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  1. M

    USA Wants Your Help To Pay The Debt

    So this should be more gold for a small business that get's stuck having to account for all of this shit and the three volumes of paperwork that will doubtless accompany it. How about we all donate a penny a week thru payroll at work and we can just stop the engine of the world. Might as well...
  2. M

    Carbon filter on intake and outtake - great idea or overkill?

    Only gonna be an issue if you loose power and aren't around, then you might get some stinkage out of the intake port(s). Otherwise the negative pressure created by the exhaust will keep all of the smelly stuff directed through your exhaust filter. Also, while the HEPA style filters are very...
  3. M

    Someone Please Explain Obama and Brazil?

    New here but I gotta say, the rulers' work is apparently done here. The best way to control a large slave population is to have them control themselves, and the best way to accomplish that is to invoke a bit of Sun Tzu's logic on war...divide and conquer. Whilst the men behind the curtain...