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  1. Hijinxx

    My top leaves drooping badly

    LED lights don't cause plants to drink as much as HPS imo, it could very well be as Electrum said overwatering causing possible N toxicity. Try picking up the pot or pots before watering to see how heavy they are. If they aren't lightish right before watering, your probably over watering and...
  2. Hijinxx

    Hybrid DWC System!! Need Nutrient Advice (pics included)

    Exactly!!!! This is why Im stressin lol, Primo shit is my goal and so far has not been achieved lol. Yield being the other major concern I just have to practice but honestly my bills cant wait so I have to get good at this as fast as possible lmao.
  3. Hijinxx

    Hybrid DWC System!! Need Nutrient Advice (pics included)

    I will have to skip the Sensi grow for veg cause I don't want to go from the Lucas formula to Sensi in veg, seems unnecessary. But for flower, I hope it works out going from the lucas formula to the AV line, seems a little scary but Ill do a flush for the transition and hope it all goes smooth...
  4. Hijinxx

    Hybrid DWC System!! Need Nutrient Advice (pics included)

    Well, lemme just put this out there so you know my motive lol. I grow for profit, I pay my school loans with my profits and use it for spending money ya know. I actually have a 98x98x79 tent and is setup for 8 plants total with a 600 over each set of 4 plants in which case I have been thinking...
  5. Hijinxx

    Hybrid DWC System!! Need Nutrient Advice (pics included)

    Well, I have my system designed for 4 plants on each side of the tent under that 600, if I used the LST method could I still do 4 on each side, the tent is rather big and 2 plants on each side doesn't really seem like the solution because there might be alot of wasted space ya know? I can also...
  6. Hijinxx

    Hybrid DWC System!! Need Nutrient Advice (pics included)

    So being as how I have 2 tents for veg and flower, I have 12 plants that are early in veg that should be ready to flower when those 4 are done in the next 4 or so weeks and I wanted to go with an advanced nutrient grow. I live in a hot climate and now that winter is around the corner and night...
  7. Hijinxx

    Hybrid DWC System!! Need Nutrient Advice (pics included)

    HAHAHA that's just the thing, its embarrassing to admit it but I am growing a strain that is known for its high yield which is wonder woman from nirvana and is the highest yielding strain they offer lol!!!! Problem is, its week 4 and the buds are still relatively small and my last grow had a...
  8. Hijinxx

    Hybrid DWC System!! Need Nutrient Advice (pics included)

    I have also been studying LST training like crazy for my yield problems lol. I want to get bigger better buds and LST seems like something to try as I use absolutely no training methods from start to finish in my grows because im such a beginner. I do have a question about LST if someone can...
  9. Hijinxx

    Hybrid DWC System!! Need Nutrient Advice (pics included)

    Well to answer your question about what I dislike about my crop is the overall yield potency and smell after they are dried lol. Around here we call the kind of shit I grow "work" which is basically average dro for the average street price ya know? When I started this little operation I was...
  10. Hijinxx

    Hybrid DWC System!! Need Nutrient Advice (pics included)

    Well I Have brand new HM EC and PH meters that I calibrate constantly. I keep my pH spot on at all times between 5.5 and 5.8. I use Glacier water I haul by 30 gallons at a time from the machine at the store and I have to haul like 90 gallons because of both of my rezzes so doing a rez change...
  11. Hijinxx

    Hybrid DWC System!! Need Nutrient Advice (pics included)

    The flowering plants are my current grow and are sort of experimental, the plants in veg are going to be my biggest grow yet. I've been studying LST training methods and different nute recipes but I honestly cant find the information Im looking for which is why I am creating this post!! please...
  12. Hijinxx

    Hybrid DWC System!! Need Nutrient Advice (pics included)

    Hey all, I got a rather new setup going and I just got done with a grow and wasn't pleased with the results so I am trying to find ways to improve my crop so hopefully I can get some questions answered!!! I am currently using an ebb and gro system to veg and flower in. I got 2 tents goin in...
  13. Hijinxx

    Indoor Grow-Op setup questions (pics included)

    Regarding what nutrients to use. I now have such a good setup that I want to experiment with nutrients thats why I have been considering using a cheap Base nute system like the lucas formula and use additives from Advanced nutrients. CAN ANYBODY TELL ME IF THIS IS A GOOD IDEA lol I have been...
  14. Hijinxx

    Indoor Grow-Op setup questions (pics included)

    Forgot to mention that I'm vegging hybrid strains from nirvana shop, AK-48, Crystal, and Blackberry. I'm flowering Wonder Woman, Snow White, and Papaya.
  15. Hijinxx

    Indoor Grow-Op setup questions (pics included)

    This community has been very helpful in the past so I'm hoping someone takes the time to review this thread and give me some professional insight as this is only my 3rd grow and I'm not even a Padawan yet lol. So I'm gonna break down my setup as quickly as possible so I can get down to it. I...
  16. Hijinxx

    plants were fully under water from hurricane flood - HELP!

    Shit bro, sounds like an ordeal, as long as the plants survived, I think you will be okay. I cant say how that might have affected the growth and quality of your buds but if you notice new bud growth I would say they are fine as long as it doesnt happen again. They still need light to dry off...
  17. Hijinxx

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    not to be a douche, but this is why I grow hydro >.>
  18. Hijinxx

    Week and a half into flower, new leaves curling inward (PICS INCLUDED)

    Hey all, Im on my second grow so Im still pretty inexperienced but its my first grow in my new setup and so far, I have had no deficiencies, no problems with my leaves or any problem with growth. Im less than 2 weeks into flower and already have little balls forming on bud sites which is good...
  19. Hijinxx

    Sprouting Seeds Round 2!!!

    Hey, I am currently about to start my 2nd grow or in the process of doing so, this site was very helpful for my first grow in correcting deficiencies and things of that nature so hopefully I can get some good insight on this next one. My question/problem is this, I literaly have been unable...