Search results

  1. Duncan McDonnell

    A Compact DWC

    the pipe will be horizontal, and about 20 inches long or so to allow room for 3 net pots, and the ends will be siliconed and sealed off with another piece of pvc, and there will be about 4 or 5 long airstones running the length (only about 18") on the bottom of it. and do you think there would...
  2. Duncan McDonnell

    A Compact DWC

    thanks for the input! the pvc is already used in flood/drain hydro so i cant see it being a problem for a DWC, and actualy me and my brother just snagged a 10' section of the pvc i needed from a construction site about 20 min ago , so it just became not so expencive! aha. and the reason im not...
  3. Duncan McDonnell

    A Compact DWC

    hey guys, just wanted to shoot an idea out there, and see if anyone who has more experience than me in DWC, could foresee and problems i may have with the unit. My idea is to take a 12 inch diameter pvc pipe, and cut the holes for 3 net pots, around 3 1/2 inch pots, place 4-5 two foot bubble...
  4. Duncan McDonnell

    Super Steath SCROG box/tv stand plan

    Im assuming that the lack of replies means everyone thinks this set up will work great?
  5. Duncan McDonnell

    Super Steath SCROG box/tv stand plan

    Hey guys, just lookin to see what you think, i will be building this project in the summer. My plan is to build a box that is 36" high, 26" deep and 6' long, i will be using it as a tv stand. The main growing chamber will be onthe left side and will be roughly 5' long 36" high and 26" deep, the...