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  1. Stiffy713

    Selling to the club?

    I'm about 2 weeks from harvesting and I was hoping someone can give me some info about selling back to the club. This is my first year growing and I just want to know how I can sell my buds back to the club in a proper manner.
  2. Stiffy713


    Its white and looks powdery. Like I said, I'm not too worried but I just wanted to double check.
  3. Stiffy713


    Okay so I'm growing outdoors and I am about 2 weeks away from harvest and I have spotted a few leaves with very small mildew spots on them. I am not very worried since I only have 2 weeks left till I'm pulling them, but should i be?
  4. Stiffy713

    My Grow So Far

    I decided to update my thread, almost all of my plants are 3 feet tall, except for 1 that is just being stubborn and already budding. I also have 5 more clones to plant this week so I will have a total of 12 lovely ladies in my garden. Here are a few pics.
  5. Stiffy713

    Can I Get Caught Growing on a Closed Balcony by a Police Helicopter?

    I understand that it's illegal, don't get me wrong, Im just saying that in the conditions he is growing he shouldn't have to worry much about being caught. There was also a bit of sarcasm in the that post as well.
  6. Stiffy713

    Where to Cut?

    Thank you, I think I am going to LST the plants as well. When is the best time to Top the plant? I still have quite some time until I get into the flowering stage since I'm not suppose to harvest until september/october.
  7. Stiffy713

    Where to Cut?

    I meant to say 2nd node
  8. Stiffy713

    Where to Cut?

    Okay thanks, so from what I am understanding I should cut at the 2nd correct?
  9. Stiffy713

    Where to Cut?

    When I top my plant do I cut it right at the top node? Also how many times can you top a plant? I want to get as many colas as possible
  10. Stiffy713

    Organic Pest Control?

    Ok so I have been looking around for good pest controls that have NO CHEMICALS and I have had no luck in finding one yet (or at least one that sounds good). Does anyone have any recommendations?
  11. Stiffy713

    2011: My Personal Medical Garden

    My plants almost got destroyed my that hail storm, luckily I hadn't put them in the ground yet so I was able to move all the plants under an overhang.
  12. Stiffy713

    Outdoor Garden: White widow, Auto Ak47 & NL, Cloud #9

    Looking nice, I wish I would have grown all mine from seeds instead of clones :cuss:
  13. Stiffy713

    What is Everyone Growing for Their 2011 Outdoor Grow Season?

    4 Chemdawg 4 2 Hammerhead 1 Purp Kush and soon Im going to get 3 or 4 g13 clones
  14. Stiffy713

    My Grow So Far

    Good luck to you too. And about the spacing, they are actually spread farther apart than they look in the picture, The ground is uneven and sloped so it looks like they are close together, but thanks for the concern :)
  15. Stiffy713

    Can I Get Caught Growing on a Closed Balcony by a Police Helicopter?

    Dude don't even trip, its NOTHING to worry about. The only way the police would find out is if you invited them over to look at your plants.
  16. Stiffy713

    My Grow So Far

    I got 4 chemdawg 4's, 2 Hammerhead's and the little dinky one in the back left is purple kush. I'm having issues with putting them out to early, but I'm not too worried, I'm sure they will go back to vegging soon. Now I'm excited to get a few more clones :-D
  17. Stiffy713

    My Grow So Far

    This is my first grow and I'd like to say my little girls are looking pretty nice for only being about 6 weeks in. I made myself a small garden for them out of the way. Now Im thinking about getting a few more clones to start up. Anyways here are some pictures.
  18. Stiffy713


    Brimi, thank you for the advice about putting them in the shade, I did just that and watered them and now they look to be perfect. If you wouldn't have mentioned it I would have left them out in the sun to die. I really appreciate the help.
  19. Stiffy713


    I think I may have realized my mistake, I never watered the second set of clones when I put them in. I just watered them since they hadn't pick up at all in the last 3 hours.
  20. Stiffy713


    Hopefully in a few hours they will start coming back to life, then i will be one happy camper!