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    LED Lighting? Anyone ever tried this?

    so i came across these sweet fucking bulbs on the interweb. LED lights that put out 1600 lumens (at least i think thats what it said) and they use VERY little electricity. produce very little heat and are very long lasting. for 130 bucks online. has anyone ever tried using LED lights to...

    *How To Make THC DROPS.

    So how much did the batch make? if it takes 10ml to get pretty schwasted off this stuff then how many doses will u get? i think im gonna have to try this out. sounds killer

    Pic! Check out how big this seed is!!!

    so i just took a picture of this monster seed before i started germinating it. i cant wait to see what this big boy turns into!

    I found a Big ASS Seed in a nice stash

    just took a picture of it before i started germinating. this thing is a 1/4" !!!! ONE BIG OL SEED thats for sure :hump: check it: (thats a normal sized seed next to it. blurry but u can still see how big it is)

    Monkee's Grow - Stealth, From Seed 12/12, CFL

    wow dont know what happened...haha i posted a comment on ur first page lol...then i saw that u have had this going for a while and have changed a lot of shit. lookin good tho man

    Monkee's Grow - Stealth, From Seed 12/12, CFL

    damn this is lookin sweet. i have a similar stealth grow i just started (not nearly as nice as what you got goin). All i got is a little 5 gallon bucket hydro system that im messin around with just to get some free bud. I think i will make a grow journal soon. Ill be checkin in on your...

    I found a Big ASS Seed in a nice stash

    haha yea guys this is fuckin crazy. im gonna take a picture of this big boy and then throw him in some soil. then i guess we will see what happens... :weed:

    I found a Big ASS Seed in a nice stash

    allright i was just breakin up the last of my stash of better bud and came across a huge ass seed. normal seed = 0 about that size big ass seed = 0 ...yea, no shits so the question is... Is this some sort of phenominon or is this a common occurance? And should I plant it? Will it be a...

    My first setup

    sry man the babies are no longer. and im in the U.S. Yea my once thriving little babies are now just dried up brown little stems :cry:

    My first setup

    it is a very sad day for me. the day i need to throw away my babies... my parents have caught me. they made me get my hair cut a week ago and they kept some of my hair. my moms a nurse so she had it tested. i am fucked the good thing is i overheard them talking about how they busted...

    My first setup

    that book looks great but i am broke haha i really getting excited about my grow. day four and they have doubled in height!!!! :hump: one of them even has four leaves now!!! im going to start a grow journal for anyone who wants to check out how things are going. so heres the last picture...

    My first setup

    haha well two months isnt that bad either i can do two months im only doing this cause i want the satisfaction of growing my own bud and smoking it. Thats why i dont really care about how much i yield. I just want to heighten my appreciation for this wonderful plant. And the...

    My first setup

    But these little bonzai plants that only yield like 8 grams are all done in less than 10 weeks i thought??? have i been mis-reading all of this info??? Total buzzkill if i cant do this in a short month or so.

    My first setup

    My babies are comin up like true champs! i checked on them when i woke up and they had still not broken the surface of the rock wool. just checked them again and in just 12 hours they have allready grown almost 3 cm out of the rock wool and have their first two leaves!!!! this is so exciting...

    My first setup

    cmon...whats more important? some bud or ur parents home and reputation? haha jk yea i know the risk the risk is very high for me considering I have a my suspicious dad sniffing me like a flippin bloodhound all the time. but Im doing a very quick grow...less than a month im planning. My...

    My first setup

    thanks for the response i forgot to mention that part of the little basket i made is an opaque butter tub that has a whole cut out of the bottom where the air stone is and 4 holes in the side for water to come through. i covered it all in aluminum foil just cause i was worried about the...

    My first setup

    so i revised my plan a little bit after realizing i had no more money from buying supplies for my last setup. I was going to duplicate the silo stealth setup that was in a thread i saw on herev(sorry i cant remember whos setup it was) But I now have a 60watt CFL with my homemade aluminum foil...

    small spaces (premature flowering?)

    yea man thanks alot! thats exactly what i was looking for. Im gonna do that same setup only im gonna change it slightly to make it a hydroponic system instead. I have had my hydro setup going for a few days and have my first leaves! I spent all my money on setting up my last setup so im gonna...

    small spaces (premature flowering?)

    Hey guys new to the site and new(ish) to the vast world of marijuana But ive decided to try to grow my own little plant. I did some research and learned the basics. Everything I found required almost an entire room of space for growing. I have VERY limited space. I still live at home and need...