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  1. G

    Seriously contemplating kicking the bucket.

    I'd at least try robbing a bank or something epic first. If you don't appreciate things even when they're bad, they always get worse. You could be paralyzed from the neck down in a wheel chair.
  2. G

    Day 7 of Cure need a Little Input please

    When you Jar them, remember you can have some wetter buds in with the dry ones and the humidity will naturally even out everything. As far as smell, as long as you can smell it when you "crack" the bud, you should be alright. If you cant smell when you cracked them, you probably dried too quickly.
  3. G

    Proper Seedbank List

    Seed boutique ships to US for sure! Great service!
  4. G

    Minnesota medicinal

    I'm from Minnesota, Pawlenty has actually vetoed MMJ bill twice! I'ts funny how people elect a politician and then he doesn't listen to them... twice. Dayton has pretty much said he's flat out against it. They are trying to push it through again though. Also a new chapter of NORML has opened...
  5. G

    Need Help Naming My Piece:)

    It's YOUR BOY... BLUE
  6. G

    Butane extraction help

    The most common that I've heard of people using is Vector.
  7. G

    Auto flowering strains

    I was wondering if anyone out there knows of any seedbank that has bulk packs of autoflowering seeds 50 or more?