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  1. T

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    I can not see your pics is there something im doing wrong?
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    sick plant

    Thanks i will do thet today and get all the dead ones off im going to the store to get a ph tester and some liqud karma we will see what happens THANKS
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    sick plant

    Great info Thanks. i hope i dont have to do a full on flush I will try and just give it ph 7 water and soil until they die or come out of it. Thanks for the advise. and if there are any other ideas let me know thanks.
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    sick plant

    I also have been flushing with tap water that has sat over night to vaporate the clohrine
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    sick plant

    How do i flush properly
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    sick plant

    Please i need help tonight ! My ladies leafs are turning yellow and dying. I got them around 2 weeks old gave and them tap water that sat over night. then i let them grow for a week and then added nutes just a little waited 2 days and then gave them more i did this for 3 weeks and then i added...
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    how much to feed my ladies

    the three are 6" and the other three are stunted bad but they are starting new growth the are 3"
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    how much to feed my ladies

    Hello all i hope i can get some advice. my ladies are 4-5 weeks old clones. i have just been giving tap water that has set over night and then a one tsp of botanicals pro grow in the 2 gallons of water. how much should i use and how often. should i add more as they get older and how much and...
  9. T

    plant problems

    The tips on my 5 week old lady clones are yellow and even the new growth tips are turning yellow and some of the bottom leafs are mostly yellow with spots of green. My question is whats wrong with them and what can i do to fix this?:leaf: