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  1. W

    Cash Deposit

    This is technically true but do know that your bank can decide to file a report with the IRS for ANYTHING they feel is out of the norm for you. If you don't make large deposits often, set up accounts with different banks and deposit smaller amounts.
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    I bought from them, 15 white widows and 15 white Russian. Out of the 5 white widows i planted 4 were female. Out of the 15 white Russians i planted, one was female and she wasn't to healthy. Would buy other strains from them again though no problem.
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    its hot in cali today.

    It was hot here in Ohio too. My plants are inside though. Had to keep the ac on for several hours to keep my temps normal. Usually just run it for 30-60 minutes a day at the hottest times.
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    Hi from Ohio

    Welcome! What strains are planning to grow?
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    3 weeks into flowering. Nutes question + Pictures.

    I have been feeding this guys nothing but pH'd water since the entered flowering (due to burning tips) the tips never regained their color green. Is it safe to start them on nutes again? My White Russian plant, has some bottom leaves issues. She's 4 feet tall plus the bucket. Don't know how to...
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    Need help with male/female problem

    just took out/down 6 of my 13 plants. Hopefully i judged correctly that they were males. I think one was a Hermie but i got rid of it just in-case. thanks for the help.
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    Need help with male/female problem

    I'm only 4 days into flowering and I have about 4 plants that look like they could be males so far. If they are, how long do i have before i have to remove them? I'll update this with the other plants as they start to show. Have 13 total.
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    Having seeds shipped to US / TX

    Bought some of my seeds from Attitude and some from HGS. Both arrived fine.
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    Leaf Edges Curling Upwards

    Try moving your light further away for a day or so. I had the same problem with a White Russian i was growing. Unfortunately i did everything i could at once but pretty sure it was the light because it hasn't happened since.
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    Need Help! First Feeding

    How old are they? I'm not sure about Happy Frog.. does it nutes in it like Ocean Forest? If so, you probably feed them to early.
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    Can you cover them with a bucket or something until the storm passes? I'd try to shelter them from extreme bad weather as much as possible.
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    Is Using FoxFarm Ocean Forest Soil Okay for the Seedling Stage?

    I started my seeds in FFOF without a problem. Most people use Light warrior though.
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    Need a Little Help with Sick Plants!

    pH is okay.. pH all water i give them. I will flush these two and see if they start to get better. + rep for help
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    Need a Little Help with Sick Plants!

    Out of 13 this two are the only ones that have any problems so i doubt it could be the method if the rest are fine. 1 of the damaged plants (worse one) is my fault.
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    Need a Little Help with Sick Plants!

    I have no clue about the bud.. first grow. Transplanted them from plastic cups to 1 gallon buckets. Have 5 gallon buckets but don't think i'll have the room if too many are female. Veg'd for almost 4 weeks. Just switched the light today. Have 13 total and can't veg these longer for them to get...
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    Need a Little Help with Sick Plants!

    This is my first grow and I have two plants that are having some troubles. 1 i think is caused because it received some pretty bad root damage when transplanted (the worse one is the root damaged pic 2). But the other one i dont know whats wrong with it. They are almost 4 weeks old. In fox farm...
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    What Soil Do You Use?

    I use Fox farm Ocean Forest as well
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    week 4 with autoflowers, leaves always start burning up!

    I'm having the same problem with normal seeds. I transplanted them into bigger pots with ffof and the tips are turning yellow but they haven't been feed any nutes. I germinated them in ffof as well and didnt have a problem. Been feeding them filtered ph'd water. Hasn't really gotten any worse...
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    Is It Possible to Send Weed in the Mail?

    ^^when ever i ship internationally i have to fill out paper work. Even if you fill out a fake name the most likely have you on camera.. pay with cash not a big deal so shipper isn't in that much danger. If its found on the plane that is leaving the country the drugs would never make it to the...
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    Is It Possible to Send Weed in the Mail?

    i think shipping international would be a lot more risky. If they have to use planes to ship your package, your chances of getting caught increase greatly. Regardless i'd say the receiver would be safer* than the shipper. The likelihood that they are going to use resources in two countries for a...