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  1. sarye

    Leaves Curling, Oldest Leaf Sets Died (Pictures Included)

    The new growth is always green in all the cases I've seen. As for bugs, only about 12% of the people I've talked to have had them. So that means theres still 88% that have this with no bugs....IDK. Anyone else have info?
  2. sarye

    Leaves Curling, Oldest Leaf Sets Died (Pictures Included)

    I can't really help but I have the same problem and heres what Ive tried so far. Yes, all the syptoms are signs of overwatering and nute defiency so obviously I've tried to correct the problem. I stopped watering so frequently and let the soil completely dry before watering again. Appoximately...
  3. sarye

    Nutes on a Budget

    Thanks very much shwagbag. Didn't think to look at jacks. seems obvious now. think my brain was fried. Nice ass btw :mrgreen:
  4. sarye

    New Growers: The One's Who Don't Need a Scienctific Explanation

    Im gonna tell you the same thing Ive told a few others.....I CLEARLY state to anyone who can read at a 5th grade level, that I'm not an expert, don't guarentee the biggest buds or the strongest. Read the entire thread ( all 3 pages) before you come here hating on things someone else is doing...
  5. sarye

    Nutes on a Budget

    These sound like a good alternative. All about cost efficiency....I may try them if I can't figure out if what I have is ok. Does anyone have a chart they can post or a link to that describes in detail what PERCENTAGES of each nute is ideal? I can't seem to find one. Yes, I know there is a...
  6. sarye

    New Growers: The One's Who Don't Need a Scienctific Explanation

    Hi all. I'm back to the forums now. I'll be on about once a week for a while. While I've been away I've learned some new follows. A WORD ABOUT JIFFY POTS.... As DJSOUNZ pointed out, they can mold. I've also had some problems with the roots. The roots can get bound if you do not...
  7. sarye

    New Growers: The One's Who Don't Need a Scienctific Explanation

    Thanks and sorry for the delayed response. I've been away for a while but I'm back and working in the threads at least once a week. Well so far I'd say they look ok. You have plenty of new growth and most of it looks healthy. I would worry about the yellowing but I agree it looks like heat...
  8. sarye

    The Gonzo Odor Eliminator

    Sorry this has taken so long. I've had some serious issues with my plants so everything got delayed. The short version is this.... Yes. This product does work. Before using this product, the smell was coming through my heating vents and going through my whole house. I waited until it was...
  9. sarye

    New Growers: The One's Who Don't Need a Scienctific Explanation

    These are jiffy pots. You can buy them at most local stores including Walmart and Home Depot. I like them because when it's time to transplant, you just put the whole pot in the bigger container. This causes minimum time, effort, and most importantly almost no stress to your plants. They also...
  10. sarye

    New Growers: The One's Who Don't Need a Scienctific Explanation

    My whole set up cost me 100 but thats because I had to buy a heater. Now that I'm all set up, I haven't spent any money except on my light bill which costs me about 35 extra a month with the heater. I do recommend cfls. I have both cfl and t12's and the cfl's do just as well as long as you make...
  11. sarye

    New Growers: The One's Who Don't Need a Scienctific Explanation

    Look forward to seeing what your plants do. Keep us updated and we'll learn from eachother's mistakes. Post pics when you're able. Im looking for a camera too and then I'll get mine up. i planted some bagseed but you don't need super expensive feminized seeds. Good weed can take up to 2 weeks to...
  12. sarye

    New Growers: The One's Who Don't Need a Scienctific Explanation

    Thanks. You've got the point. I;m just trying to save people time and money and still get some good stuff. I want to save them the hassle of finding a dealer and then getting unknown stuff at crazy prices. A note about water though.... I use tap water with nothing in it. It saves money. They do...
  13. sarye

    New Growers: The One's Who Don't Need a Scienctific Explanation

    A quick note about starting seeds. You can either just put them in the dirt or the paper towel method. I like the paper towel method because you can see which seeds are going to grow a plant. With just putting them in the dirt, you can waste time watering and caring for a dead seed. Since my...
  14. sarye

    New Growers: The One's Who Don't Need a Scienctific Explanation

    Thanks boogs..If you anything lamen to contribute, I'm sure we'd all appreciate just straight up basic advice. That's why we are here.
  15. sarye

    New Growers: The One's Who Don't Need a Scienctific Explanation

    Awesome. Thats my only goal and thanks for the support. Just want others to learn from my mistakes and know it doesnt take thousands of dollars to grow.
  16. sarye

    New Growers: The One's Who Don't Need a Scienctific Explanation

    I clearly stated that I'm not an expert, that does not mean I don't know anything. Second, I never, ever stated that I didnt want to learn. I said I didnt want to obtain a PHD in marijuana specifics to grow a few plants. Anyway, don't read anymore if you disagree with or want to hate on what...
  17. sarye

    New Growers: The One's Who Don't Need a Scienctific Explanation

    Now to the advice, what we're all really looking for in one form or another. First and perhaps most importantly, if you are already growing and you're crops are doing well, DON"T change what you are doing! What works for some, does not work for others! Find your own routine and DON"T freak out...
  18. sarye

    New Growers: The One's Who Don't Need a Scienctific Explanation

    Before I officially start this thread I would like to say the following: I am not an expert by any means. Some veteran growers would have a problem with the information I'm giving here. I am not starting this thread to dispute what they are saying. A lot of them have some really great...
  19. sarye

    Forum Help Thread

    Thanks sweetleaf. I will do some research.
  20. sarye

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Its hard to tell from these pics but you could have Mealybugs. They look very similar to the bug in this pic but they have lots of legs. I can't tell if this bug has lots or not.