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  1. destructo

    What Makes You Believe In Something Supernatural?

    Something that might make me believe in ghosts would be objects flying around a room defying gravity or other physical activities that clearly cannot be explained conventionally. I haven't experienced anything even remotely like this, so I stand by my disbelief. It would have to be something...
  2. destructo

    Why Is It...

    I feel the need to point out that genetic mutations caused by radiation and other similar things after birth are not passed onto offspring which means that it has no relation to evolution.
  3. destructo

    What Would Happen If Aliens Were Proven To Exist?

    You actually believe this statement? It sounds like nothing more than a delusional belief to me. Unless this guy was just joking around which is what I thought he was doing.. There is also much more solid evidence to the contrary of the first quote.
  4. destructo

    Why Is It...

    It's not exactly random, that's where natural selection falls in.
  5. destructo

    What Would Happen If Aliens Were Proven To Exist?

    I prefer not to accept someones wild speculation as fact. Supporters of this junk begin with the ancient astronaut assumption and then force all data to fit the idea. Sure you can always speculate about this stuff, but this is just ridiculous. I approached it with an open mind, but when I...
  6. destructo

    What Would Happen If Aliens Were Proven To Exist?

    That passage from the bible is completely open to interpretation. Emphasising on words doesn't create evidence out of thin air. I could personally write a long detailed explanation about why the entire idea is nothing but pseudoscientific nonsense. The problem is that I don't really have the...
  7. destructo

    What Would Happen If Aliens Were Proven To Exist?

    This is total pseudoscientific nonsense.
  8. destructo

    Why Is It...

    Natural selection is the cornerstone of evolution. In the process of natural selection, individuals in a population who are well-adapted to a particular set of environmental conditions have an advantage over those who are not so well adapted. The advantage comes in the form of survival and...
  9. destructo

    Why Is It...

    lol, I could tell you had some kind of hidden reason for posting that.
  10. destructo

    Why Is It...

    If you have any curiosity about the subject, I suggest you look through this. It explains that very issue and many others people have with evolution. There actually are a lot of intermediate fossil records now.
  11. destructo

    What's Wrong With Science?

    Our brains are prone to certain kinds of errors that only careful critical thinking can correct. This "six-pack of problems" may lead many of us unconsciously to accept false ideas: · We prefer stories to statistics. · We seek to confirm, not to question, our ideas. · We rarely appreciate...
  12. destructo

    Why Is It...

    you should point out all of it's major flaws.
  13. destructo

    What's Wrong With Science?

    There is obviously more than one definition of faith and you are using two of them. This is called the equivocation fallacy. What he said, in my opinion, was within the confines of the word faith. firm belief in something for which there is no proof : complete trust What do you think would...
  14. destructo

    Seeing An Orb? =\

    Padawanbater2 wasn't discounting your opinion. He was simply saying that he had no reason to believe the story you were telling. Stories and personal experiences are what we call anecdotal evidence. It has been proven to be too unreliable for scientific research which relies purely on empirical...
  15. destructo

    What's Wrong With Science?

    Absolutely false, ideas are never solidified as facts within the scientific community aside from laws, but even those can be deemed obsolete. Science is self correcting, this means that if a theory is shown to be false via scientific experimentation and can be reliably reproduced by others, it...
  16. destructo

    Seeing An Orb? =\

    You are ridiculous. Logic is a school of thought practiced for a VERY long time. It is the basis for all reason and rational thought. It is not a radical idea some woo decided to publish in an effort to make money. Apparently you believe that each and every individual should teach themselves...
  17. destructo

    Seeing An Orb? =\

    It may be hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations. Hypnagogic hallucinations can occur as one is falling asleep and hypnopompic hallucinations can occur when one is waking up. We all know that people can dream or hallucinate about something that was recently discussed. If this phenomenon was...
  18. destructo

    Is Life a Dream?

    This statement reminds me of the pseudoscientific book titled "The Secret" and the movie titled "What the BLEEP Do We Know". I feel sorry for the people who actually believe in this junk.
  19. destructo

    What's Wrong With Science?

    I disagree with the first one. I'm majoring in computer science. Science is one of the fundamental principles of the field.