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  1. W

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    thats not good i have all ready trimed my fan leaves. i should have waited. will it do my plants eny damage ??
  2. W

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    hi people can somebody tell me if its okay to trim back my autos please
  3. W

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    im sorry what does Lst stand for.............??
  4. W

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    can you top autos? i know you cant top normal plants after flowering but how does it stand with autos?? eny help please.
  5. W

    enybody know how to grow auto flowers?

    you should try the all mix soil i was talking about its really good you dont need to use bio grow then only a little bio bloom and top max on the last 2/3 weeks. really easy and the ph stays at neutral i just leave my plants to do all the work themselves. the all mix soil is 14 pounds for a 50...
  6. W

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    im up for a competition but im just new to growing but like choop just said i got a mini jungle happening here :) ps cheers choop for the info.
  7. W

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    is it common for auto flower seeds to not pop/split i got a pack of five big bang autos and i only started them three days ago 4 of them have sprouted so fast its crazy 2/3 inches. but 1 of them has not changed at all. im sitting here with a heavy heart i wasnt even this sad when my rabbit died
  8. W

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    cheers edsthreads :)
  9. W

    enybody know how to grow auto flowers?

    hi seamore green. the kaya gold that are in my pics are my first grow but they are not autos just normal feminised seeds. my big bang autos are just starting to split so i will be planting them in a couple of days cant wait iwill start a photo diary for all to watch :) peace
  10. W

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    cheers oldreefer good advice
  11. W

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    enybody know how to grow auto flowers? hi its my first time on here and i would like it if someone could give me some advice. i have decided to grow some auto flower seeds(big bang auto,from )hope that helps. i am going to use all-mix soil wich consists of 20% sphagnum...
  12. W

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    my big bang autoflower seeds cost for five seeds the same as my five feminised kaya gold seeds 25 pounds each
  13. W

    enybody know how to grow auto flowers?

    i done it yee haa
  14. W

    enybody know how to grow auto flowers?

    i have 3 feminised kaya gold with 5 and a half weeks till harvest and they look awesome for my first solo grow. i cant wait to roll a fat one and celebrate with my fiance ill post some pics soon. im not very good with computers yet lol.
  15. W

    enybody know how to grow auto flowers?

    cheers people that helped alot :-)
  16. W

    enybody know how to grow auto flowers?

    cheers mellowhaze should i not bother with the bio-grow? and also the guy that sold me the seeds said put the plants on 12 on and 12 off all the way but you say more whats best?
  17. W

    enybody know how to grow auto flowers?

    hi its my first time on here and i would like it if someone could give me some advice. i have decided to grow some auto flower seeds(big bang auto,from )hope that helps. i am going to use all-mix soil wich consists of 20% sphagnum peat moss, 35% garden peat, 10% high...