Search results

  1. eBaked

    Psilocybin Mushrooms Question?

    Hey, Just got a quick question, but please only answer if you know what your talking about. I bought five ounces of mushrooms about four months ago, I have done about three ounces of them but have two ounces remaining. My question is how long do they keep? They have been sitting in a baggie...
  2. eBaked

    Schars first ever grow! CFL Power

    :leaf: Subscribed :leaf:
  3. eBaked

    Prices In Your Town

    Alberta, Canada. Generally pay about $200-220.00 per ounce, depending on quality and strain.
  4. eBaked

    Help Me Pass My Drug Test.

    With my union I need to pass a pre-employment piss test every time I take a new call (job). I have used the product XXtra Clean seven times now and its worked 100% of the time. I highly recommend it. I generally stop smoking for three to four days before my test. Drink the entire bottle in one...
  5. eBaked

    Wisconsin Revolt

    I did not spend the time to read through the entire thread, but I have been reading numerous individuals comments, and a lot of it really baffles me. How can corporate agenda's and leaders really convince the people of America that unions are the problem? Are they fucking blind? When less...
  6. eBaked

    marriage equality for all americans now

    I am in full support of homosexual marriage. I dont really understand why so many people have a problem with it, mind you I am not the least bit religious. But still, with the almost laughable system that marriage has become, who really cares. I sure dont. I have some gay friends, very nice...
  7. eBaked

    How Rich Are You?

    Work in the Alberta oil sands, destroying our environment one day at a time, to fuel American war interests, and to keep up with our incessant addiction to oil. Pays well though, $120,000+ a year. I am the ultimate hypocrite.
  8. eBaked

    Death To Mubarak!

    It's fantastic to see the younger generation of Egypt taking the lead in pushing for a reasonably fair and democratic government. Although I agree with a previous posters opinion that democracy is just an illusion formed to make people more comfortable with being controlled. I personally do not...
  9. eBaked

    The Business Behind Getting High

    I personally own a few copies and give them out to friends and family if they are at all interested. It was a fantastic documentary. I would say 99% of the people who I show or present it to quickly change their pre conceived notions on the subject. Bravo!
  10. eBaked

    Do We Dare Discuss 911 With Poll

    I have watched numerous video's, read numerous book's (including the 911 commission report) and all I know is that it definitely did not happen the way they say it did. There are WAAAAAAAY too many questions involved. The 911 commission report was one of the most ridiculous and almost...
  11. eBaked

    Sex Or Drugs

    If it was one or the other. I would give up drugs, hands down, no contest.... Just my opinion.
  12. eBaked

    Volcano the only way to go?

    If your a little shorter on cash look into one of the Vapour Bro's (little wooden box). They are a really good bang for your buck. Just stay away from all the super cheap metalized ones with the jars. They really suck. Not worth a dollar IMO. :)
  13. eBaked

    Keepin it Fresh.

    Orange peels for the win. Even when the green is uber dry. Just toss in a couple orange peels (don't have to be big pieces) and within 24hours you should notice a HUGE difference. Props to my buddy Schar for originally passing this on to me! w00t!
  14. eBaked

    Volcano the only way to go?

    Have had one for about a year now... Its the best, hands down. Enjoy dude! :leaf:
  15. eBaked

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey All, Just signed up after a few weeks of reading the board. RIU is sick.. Just started a build with a friend and its going good so far. Got the cabinet built (took some time) but we are now getting stoked to test her out.. You can check out my buddies build journal of the project over at...
  16. eBaked

    Help! - House electrics blown by grow case!

    Like I said before... it could be something as simple as what "hughesresearch" describes.. or it could be just a symptom of something much more serious. Either way, just be careful when troubleshooting. :)
  17. eBaked

    Help! - House electrics blown by grow case!

    In the electrical trade up here in Canada. Judging on the limited information, and without investigating the issue, here is what I can suggest. Based on what you describe (A low wattage set up) I find it hard to believe that your grow could be the problem. Not sure if the emergency services guy...
  18. eBaked

    old wiring in my house couple questions

    I am in the electrical trade up here in Canada, and agree with pretty much everything the above poster has mentioned. Before starting any work, please ensure to locate and flip off the breaker to ensure you are not working with live wires, remember to test the circuit for power again once the...