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  1. smoothy

    best Chemdog Seeds?

    Hi All, Trying to find out if anyone could suggest a Chemdog breeder and seeds. I grew Chemdog a few grows back from Greenhouse and it was pretty good. I've been doing some research and most people have a problem with Greenhouse Chemdog seeds? looking for someone with alittle more knowledge on...
  2. smoothy

    World of Seeds Medical Collection - Northern Lights x Big Bud Feminized

    Forgot to add that plants( BB X NL) last time, had an almost NO odor smell. The plants vegging now have No smell as of right now!
  3. smoothy

    World of Seeds Medical Collection - Northern Lights x Big Bud Feminized

    i know this is an old thread but going to post anyway. I grew this strain 2 grows ago(BB X NL) from WOS -pertect conditions and feeding with Foxfarm nutes-got HUGE but airy buds!!!! I grew some Chemdog after that and was rock solid with above average yield. I'm currently growing the (BB X NL)...
  4. smoothy

    looking for Y Giega info and seeds?

    Hi All, Has anyone grown this strain? I'm looking to grow her but can't find a reputable seed bank with them. On net it says, she vegs for 2 wks and flowers for 80-90 days? I'd like to find out for myslf but can't find a good ssed bank to buy from!
  5. smoothy

    Lime and Soil

    Hey Wet good to hear from U Normally, i premix a month before but fell short on time this grow and had to topdress! plants are starting to show def signs. Trying to be patient and wait for the lime to kick in.:-P
  6. smoothy

    Lime and Soil

    My ph was a little low 6.1, so i added some dolimate lime 1 1/2 weeks ago and still 6.1 I added 2 tbp per gallon. :-P
  7. smoothy

    Lime and Soil

    Hi All, Trying to find out how long does it take lime to start to work and affect soil pH?:-P
  8. smoothy

    Run off PH

    I had similar problems recently: 1) Replace batteries in Meter if your readings keep fluxuating or are going off 2) Most likely your meter is the problem as was mine-kept giving me false readings even though it PHed correctly in solutions-go figure-think about buying new meter! 3) Best way to...
  9. smoothy

    LIME-Do you know Y

    Thanx Wet Wet, I was looking at my RIU and forgot to ask you how much epsom salt u add to your soil and how do you apply it -in water or top dress it?
  10. smoothy

    Blue Lab Pen meter-Good or Bad

    Hi All, My Hanna PH meter is just waaay to slow even with new batteries. Looking to purchase a new meter-Store has Bluelab Pens for sale. I also was looking at the new Oakton Ph meter. Not sure which to go with-money is a big factor too-topping out at about $125.00. All replies appreciated:smile:
  11. smoothy

    LIME-Do you know Y

    Hi All, Every time i use lime in my soil my girls develop Mag def! I use 1Tablespoon per gallon, and using distilled water right now. The lime is Dolomite lime from Lowes in white bag. Lets say that my ph is off, the lime should still buffer it correct. Can not figure out why this is happening...
  12. smoothy

    What do you think!

    I was thinking of taking it to the store with a gallon of water and see what happens with the results of my meter vs a brand new Bluelab pen that they also sell but with a replacement battery in my Hanna. I read somewhere someone was having the same issue but never solved it or never replied...
  13. smoothy

    What do you think!

    Hi All, Having some issues trying to get readings on distilled water. I have a Hanna PH pen that usually works well-but since i changed over to distilled water i'm having trouble getting accurate reading. Tap water just was too hard for girls. I'll put pen in water and get reading of 7.6-swirl...
  14. smoothy

    Problem wit Tap Water

    i think i might go with the rain water, boil it and store some away when able too. My tap water is pretty screwed up with shit in it! Girls don't like it too! Shame -most people can use their tap water-i get stuck wit this shit. THANX FOR ALL REPLIES:smile:
  15. smoothy

    Problem wit Tap Water

    Hi All, I'm having problems wit my tap water TDS (155) are too hi for my girls. i've never had to know about TDS until recently(soil grow-FFOF)-Just moved to another state on east coast. It seems that my girls keep coming up Mag def-(PH-6.5-6.6), started to use distilled water from K-Mart...
  16. smoothy

    what causes this

    Thanx Balx After a day from taking cuttings it turned back to normal. Maybe a little stress from the cuttings-I did take alot of them! Thanx again for replies-I may have jumped the gun after seeing this.
  17. smoothy

    what causes this

    I'll post pics tonite-running late for work
  18. smoothy

    what causes this

    Hi All, All of my girls look really healthy, but i noticed on two of my plants the leaf blades are really close together -some overlapping as if you were to put your fingers togther(touching each other or over lapping each other) never had this happen and can't find this problem anywhere on net...
  19. smoothy

    Help identify this! PICs

    Can some one tell me what this is -Plants have been repotted into new soil FFOF and problem is still from bottom working its way up. Thought it was mag def -fed with 1 tsp epsom salt with no change aweek ago . PH is 6.6 Not sure what to do now!
  20. smoothy

    Help identify this! PICs

    thankx for replies-I'm going to repot tomorrow:-o