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  1. S

    First time grow

    the end result? 45 grams... :)
  2. S

    First time grow

    almost done....
  3. S

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    First Grow so feedback would be appreciated... Just some Info: the plant is a 'Power Plant' - grown from a clone (easy to get here in the Netherlands). currently I am at day 68 (veg)/54 of flowering (12/12)... was thinking to chop them down in a few days, so a quick feedback would be appreciated.
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    First time grow

    Small Update: Day 68/54 of flowering (12/12)
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    First time grow

    Small Update: Day 63/49 of flowering (12/12) Just flushed the plants today, and indeed a little bit of brown/yellow water came from below... I am planning to cut them down 1 week and 2 days from today, thus on April the 8th (7 days) I close the lights and after 48 hours of darkness I will...
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    building a cooltube - advise is needed

    Indeed I was aiming at the DIY option, and was just concerned with the capability of the fan mentioned and shown above, to handle a 600HPS. Was looking just for some ppl who already did this DIY cooltube, and their experience with it...
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    building a cooltube - advise is needed

    have been a bit busy, and have decided to do it as soon as I finish my current grow, so I can do a temperature test for a few days (
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    building a cooltube - advise is needed

    Donno how big the bulb is but its a sylvania SHP-TS 600w (should have i think around 90,000 Lumens), but my main concern is the strength of the fan... is it enough? will it make a difference?
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    building a cooltube - advise is needed

    Hi all, Since summer is coming, I realized that with no cooltube, I will not be able to continue my grow due to high temperatures I am experiencing already now in my After reading a lot (here and on the web), I have decided...
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    First time grow

    As the discussion title shows, this is my first grow, and therefore I am no expert, however, I can share what I have read and learned so far... :) any light during the sleeping time of the plants is bad.... the darker the better!, try to find a way to completely seal the closet since you don't...
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    First time grow

    Small update: Day 51/37 of flowering (12/12)
  12. S

    Question about nodes +rep for any help!

    Just subscribed... really curious to c how this will end up...
  13. S

    First time grow

    Getting slowly slowly towards the end... Day 48/34 day of flowering (12/12)
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    First time grow

    Small update, Day 46/32 of flowering (12/12) Yellowing continues, but with 3.5 weeks to go, i guess there is not much I can do, so hoping for the best btw, all the girls are between 33-36cm in a 22 x 22 x 26 cm, 11 liter pot. any1 care to guess how many grams will I get from that?
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    First time grow

    AS far as I calculated, I have 4 weeks to go, so I was afraid that the yellowing was too early... I hope that the girls will keep growing and that the bud sites will be a bit more thick.... I was also thinking that there might be too much light and that the plants fan leaves started to become...
  16. S

    First time grow

    Small update... leaves are keeping to become yellow, and as of yesterday I have started to add bio-grow as it has more N, I hope this will slow down the yellowing for now. ( Day 43/29 of flowering all plants are...
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    HELP.... are my girls OK?

    LOL.... mygirls... cool user name ;)
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    HELP.... are my girls OK?

    Greenbot, this is a bit off topic, this thread is more about problems... ;), just ask in the thread where I report my progress with the girl ( Btw, I have started adding today some bio-grow... it has some more N in it, so I...
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    HELP.... are my girls OK?

    As promised here are some new photos... so is it indeed an N deficiency?
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    HELP.... are my girls OK?

    Since during flowering, the plant focuses on the flower and not on the growth, what can be the impact of loosing all the fan leaves? after all I have also heard of some ppl that actually remove all fan leaves during flowering. Just wondering how big of an issue this is? can this kill my plant?