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  1. The Occultivationist

    Nirvana seeds are crap!!!

    care to throw up a pic and show me?
  2. The Occultivationist

    Nirvana seeds are crap!!!

    ill keep that in mind when future posting.
  3. The Occultivationist

    Nirvana seeds are crap!!!

    folks, this thread has become totally insane! all you are doin is arguing about the company. why dont u guys argue something worth while?? like my plants and if its a WR or not. cause thats the real issue. dont ya think? Not the company, or the health/formation of the plants and or seeds. heres...
  4. The Occultivationist

    Nirvana seeds are crap!!!

    what method are u using? wet paper towel, covered, and on top of a computer monitor or cable box seems to work well for me.
  5. The Occultivationist

    Nirvana seeds are crap!!!

    sorry, ive answered alot of peoples posts. must have missed urs. i dont feel nirvana owes me anything. but i did feel that other people needed to know what happened. so call them, no, ill just try to make the best of it and just not order from them again. for that reason im done bitching. i am...
  6. The Occultivationist

    Nirvana seeds are crap!!!

    yea ur right. my apologies to RIU and Nirvana. i doubt i can get any pics of my cousins, but can surely show just how different the lemon ones are from the rest of the rhinos in my batch.
  7. The Occultivationist

    Nirvana seeds are crap!!!

    no the lemon ones are the best ones. not ones that crapped out. i was mad because they dont seem to be the WR strain at all. all the stuff veggin is clones from when i sexed the stuff. so a bunch of those clones are the lemon plants im unhappy with and will get tossed.
  8. The Occultivationist

    Nirvana seeds are crap!!!

    more than anything i wanted to see if anyone else had the same experience. but ill take a hug, u offering? lol this really did happen to a family member and now happening to me. i dont expect anything from anyone, but i do feel people should know. thats all. i see ur point with the thread and...
  9. The Occultivationist

    Nirvana seeds are crap!!!

    i guess were not supposed to discuss these things here. my bad would u like to see pics of the plants? maybe then you can tell me if its a rhino or not. hahaha and yes, i am waiting to se if anyone else has had a similar thing happen like me and MY COUSIN. forgive me for being curious.
  10. The Occultivationist

    Nirvana seeds are crap!!!

    the problem isnt the beans not working out. so your growing white rhino? do any of yours smell like lemon wax? and for some reason people think im complaining about heath of the plants or seeds. this is not the case. the three lemon ones are my best out of 17 plants!!! thats why im so pissed...
  11. The Occultivationist

    Nirvana seeds are crap!!!

    sorry if it was hard to follow. thats the by-product of posting with your bong next to ya. haha
  12. The Occultivationist

    Nirvana seeds are crap!!!

    i know nirvana wasnt gonna send me the greatest stuff on earth. all im sayin is even if i only paid 30 bux a pack, when i ordered white rhino seeds i WANTED white rhino seeds. all phenos welcome. i just know that a lemon smelling plant IS NOT what i should be seeing from it. and people should be...
  13. The Occultivationist

    Nirvana seeds are crap!!!

    guess what u dont care? thats exactly why nirvanas able to get away with this shit. cuz people dont care enough to bother. they just go fuck it. its only MY money spent. ill just choose the best one if i get i even get one and thats it.
  14. The Occultivationist

    Nirvana seeds are crap!!!

    they are not the same strains, but the oddball we got in the was the same. to further explain things, the stuff im complaining about is my white rhino regular seeds. i also have a single white rhino femmed seed, which is doin fantastic and hasnt hermmied. and i got 5 papaya femmed plants goin...
  15. The Occultivationist

    Nirvana seeds are crap!!!

    nirvanas jut a greenhouse breeder. professional pollen chuckers! lol
  16. The Occultivationist

    Nirvana seeds are crap!!!

    dude wtf are u talking about? i described the plants in detail. i never talked abything about yield ect. and my cousin didnt look at the seeds, he looked at the crappy lemon plants i had. confirming that they looked like the crappy ones he had. what im tryin to understand is how he can order...
  17. The Occultivationist

    New Guy

    thanx! im hoping to have it running at full capacity by the end of the year. its my new years resolution. haha
  18. The Occultivationist

    New Guy

    thanx for the reply and the comment. love ur signature.
  19. The Occultivationist

    New Guy

    can someone please reply a yes or no on here so i know the pics worked and are visible.
  20. The Occultivationist

    Nirvana seeds are crap!!!

    i think both companys do that equally. they are probably overwhelmed with international orders.