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  1. J

    Birthers Unite

    What the fuck are you talking about? Who played the race card. You degenerate fuck! Your like trying to reason with a fucking three year old. I'm done!
  2. J

    Birthers Unite

    Lt Col. Lakin was a senior officer ordered to go into a combat zone. An officers oath is to the constitution first and as we all know the "I was only following orders" excuse does not fly. Was he wrong? sure he was but that does not change the fact that all obumber had to do was release his...
  3. J

    Birthers Unite

    Do a search for any, not just presidents, but any presidential candidate and you will find all the information on them, Well all except obumber. As for McCain, they had Congressional hearing on his eligibility. Plus he provided a certified BC. Google it! And for calling anyone who...
  4. J

    Birthers Unite

    Your race card has been revoked. You are unbelievable, this guy is POTUS and has more power then any single person in the world. That power comes from the American people. For you to suggest that the American public does not have the right to scrutinize this guy because he is black is what is...
  5. J

    Birthers Unite

    How about releasing all the records every other presidential candidate from modern times has released. You can't blame people for being skeptical, prior to today the only records he has released to the public were his two books. But Like I said, I'm not convinced that this document is not...
  6. J

    Birthers Unite

    Well now this is interesting : I'm not buying it yet, but we do need to have this document evaluated by an unbiased expert. Leave it to obumber to not just unequivocally answer the question.
  7. J

    Birthers Unite

    Wow! you just called anyone who question obumbers credentials a racist, and then wonder why there is not a civil conversation. You just can't make this stuff up folks. Whats next, you want to have a friendly debate with the teabaggers?
  8. J

    Birthers Unite

    I guess I missed em, what were your facts? You may get away with making wild speculations and then calling them facts in your little circle of liberal buddies, but not with me. But if that is your criteria, I guess you could say that my pointing out that the earth's climate has been in a...
  9. J

    Birthers Unite

    Here we go again: I don't give a shit about your pompous editing abilities. I believe the party of obumber is made up of America hating degenerates, not patriots. I don't care who you are or what you have done. If you do not have a net contribution to government coffers over the past...
  10. J

    Birthers Unite

    Should we have a pissing context next?
  11. J

    Birthers Unite

    Why would I care? I never suggested you vote for anybody. But if you are asking for my advice, I would recommend that you never vote period. I'll go one further, you should never reproduce ether.
  12. J

    Birthers Unite

    You have your facts wrong there cowboy. Fact 1: Spell check changed my misspelled word, but be that what it may. I really don't need some pompous clown trying to correct my grammar because he thinks he has a superior intellect due to some pussy liberal arts degree. Fact 2: The TEA Party is...
  13. J

    Birthers Unite

    No one, as far as I know, has asked obumber for one piece of documentation that would not be requested of any employee. This is the same documentation that your government ask you to provide many times over you life. Your attempt to trivialize everyday Americans that are asking the most basic...
  14. J

    Birthers Unite

    You suggest I cannot question his past because he is a black man, who's the racist?
  15. J

    Birthers Unite

    Really, is that the best you got? maybe re-evaluate "alabama", ever hear of capitalization? ass hole!
  16. J

    Birthers Unite

    Well, I've read some of your post and ignorance is something you obviously know all about, We have a right to know who the POTUS is, it affects our individual lives immeasurably. Prior to this release, he has never released anything other then his books. And the fact that the media is not...
  17. J

    Birthers Unite I gotta say, I'm relieved to see this COLB. Assuming it is on the up and up (and I have no reason to believe it is not) this means he is eligible to be POTUS. I no longer buy into the line of thought...
  18. J

    Birthers Unite

    I found this to be informative:
  19. J

    Oops on global warming

    This was the case of the professors that were involved with the deception and manipulation of the data investigating them selves. If you whant to see a blow by blow account of what they did I sugest you go to youtube and search for "Berkeley professor Richard A. Muller". This is the whole...
  20. J

    Oops on global warming

    I'm reviewing you links now. But as to your assertion that the climate is changing at an abnormal pace, based on what, relative to what? What is normal? This is a ridiculous assertion, even for you. There have been times in the earth's history where the climate has changed at rates far...