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  1. slacker99

    Do We Dare Discuss 911 With Poll

    If you're an architect or an engineer... Sign the petition!
  2. slacker99

    Do We Dare Discuss 911 With Poll
  3. slacker99

    Do We Dare Discuss 911 With Poll

    I signed early on, when the number was less than 400. Now, it's over 1400! 1,435 verified architectural and engineering professionals and 11,266 other supporters have signed the petition demanding of Congress a truly independent investigation. The petition is open to everyone.
  4. slacker99

    Do We Dare Discuss 911 With Poll

    I am an engineer, degreed and licensed. You've got to be an architect or an engineer, and be vetted, to sign the Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth's petition for a new Investigation. Check out...
  5. slacker99

    How to super clone

    LR2, is an autoflower and supposedly can't be cloned... But like many people, I don't like being told I can't do something. So, of course, I had to try. I used the conventional cutting method. It didn't work. I was aware of the technique you described, as it is commonly used with fruit...