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  1. SmokinHot420

    Quick Drying - The Other Side Of The Coin

    Haha! Thats was crazy reading! Definetly hilarious though! I hang dry, only used a microwave to sample (and it KILLED me to do it) ...But Question.... Should/can I put a fan blowing into the place its hanging? I dont want to risk mold (Its been raining like crazy here, humidity really...
  2. SmokinHot420

    Female....and male??? Why does my female look kinda weird??? Pics included

    My plants are sleeping now...but I will post pics tomorrow.... So even though my plants are 6 1/2 weeks into flowering, they're still gonna be full of seeds???? Ive only found a few here and there on a couple plants...but i know they're still growin a little. I'm really really dissappointed...
  3. SmokinHot420

    Female....and male??? Why does my female look kinda weird??? Pics included

    Hi, I know its been a few weeks....but I just found SEEDS in that female plant I posted about. (I noticed them because i seen a yellowish banana looking thing on a bud, so I looked closer, and actually picked OFF A SEED). It wouldnt bug me, except that now, I have found some seeds in my OTHER...
  4. SmokinHot420

    Whats wrong with my plants??? Yellowing leaves/brown spots?! Pics included

    Hello...First time grower here again.... My plants are in their 6th week of flowering, and up until now, they all looked very beautiful and healthy....Now most of them have yellowing leaves, and 2 of them have brown spots on their leaves. Most of the brown spots are on the leaves that are...
  5. SmokinHot420

    Female....and male??? Why does my female look kinda weird??? Pics included

    ohh okay. It just looks so different from my other females it had me worried! Thank you so much!! :-)
  6. SmokinHot420

    Female....and male??? Why does my female look kinda weird??? Pics included

    Hi! Im new to this...but I definetly know how to tell a Male plant from a Female plant. My plants have been in flowering for almost a month now, and (as I have posted before....) 2 of my 7 females look very different from the rest. These two are REALLY SUPER tall, very sparse bud on them, and...
  7. SmokinHot420

    Sativa/Indica...? Do i have some of each?? Pics included

    When they were in the grow phase they all looked IDENTICAL....really really FAT leaves (which made me think they were indica...).....then as I started flowering them the leaves thinned out dramatically!....Sorry to say I dont have any pics of when they were in grow, but its amazing how much...
  8. SmokinHot420

    Sativa/Indica...? Do i have some of each?? Pics included

    I did just check the PH of my water, and it was around 7.4 (I dont have a soil ph tester yet :-( )....I heard a bit of lemon Juice in the water can lower the acidity....Is this safe/correct?
  9. SmokinHot420

    Sativa/Indica...? Do i have some of each?? Pics included

    How do I go about fixing the potassium problem? I am currently using DynaGrow Bloom 3-12-6, Do I have to switch nutrients, or add something to it? Thank you!!
  10. SmokinHot420

    Sativa/Indica...? Do i have some of each?? Pics included

    I have 7 females, all started with seeds I had. I thought they were all from the same plant, and when they were in the growing phase, they all had the same big fat leaves, and looked identical. Now, 3 weeks into flowering, 2 of them look MAJORLY different. They have many more branches, and have...
  11. SmokinHot420

    Grow room moisture problem....

    Hi! I'm new to the whole growing inside, and I have a few questions.... Im using a spare bedroom as my grow room, and during the whole grow phase everything was fine (used a 400 watt MH), but now im almost 3 weeks into flowering (using a 600w HPS), and im starting to notice moisture droplets...
  12. SmokinHot420

    Simple question about *clones*....PLEASE help!!

    I took a few clones off of my plants when there were in the growing stage, but they're not doing so well (REALLY wilty leaves....??):-( One of the plants i have growing is a White Widow clone, and I really want a clone off of it to keep the strain, ya know?? But my now adult White Widow...
  13. SmokinHot420

    Wilting leaves, but only the bottom little ones?!?!....

    Thank you so much!! Will my little clones be okay if I change their humidity now?? or are they already dying?? As for the plants with the 'burn' on their that a sign overwatering?? or do i not have the right nutrient? Thanks again for all your help!!!
  14. SmokinHot420

    Wilting leaves, but only the bottom little ones?!?!....

    So my plants are almost in their 3rd week of flowering, and the bottom leaves on one of my BEST plants have started to wilt/droop really bad.:-( *** I have a 600WATT HPS light (which is on 12/12 now), I grow in soil (scotts), and i use Dyna grow bloom nutrient (3-12-6) (<not sure if thats...