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  1. C

    Hey guys, I need some sympathy

    "Fuck bitches, get money" - Lil Wayne
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    I wish.....

    i wish my girlfriend wasn't such a biznizzle :cry:
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    Mighty Putty

    well supposedly when the two different colored doughs mix (wich are two different chemicals) they activate each other then begin harden. Seperately the doughs would be soft. Only when mixed do the produce the MIGHTY PUTTYYY :hump:
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    No 4/20/08 for me this year.

    I dont know how desperate you are to smoke on 4/20 but you could always put a few grams in a condom and swallow it or stick it up the old pooper. Steve-o did it taking weeed into switzerland or something, saw it on the news while back. You;s just have to pick through your turds, but it couldnt...
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    buyin hash for the first time

    you get it? post a pic! :peace:
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    Ounce of homegrown? $$

    Thats about exactly what I pay my friend for mine, and he's getting it from the grower. I am not sure about exactly what strains they are but it is always very high quality and I've yet to be dissappointed. In fact...I'm rather toasted now... :joint::peace:
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    forgetting thread ideas

    I often, probably everyday, find myself riding in my car or at a buddys extremely high thinking about RIU and i'll some up with a sweet idea for a thread. But then by the time i get home i can never remember my awesome idea :confused: how aggravating. haha. does this happen to others too? i'm...
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    Harold and Kumar is on TBS

    :joint: Ive been watching it since it came on too. They cut out alot of the shit that makes it hilarious though. Still classic.
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    You get this a lot... It's about acid...

    Some good movies, decent munchies, and a relaxed enviroment. Thats about it. If it's good you can entertain yourself for hours in a bare empty room. hAHa :hump:
  10. C

    2nd time tryin coke, what to do???

    Usually while tweaked out I highly ejoyed partaking in extremely lengthy and pointless conversations with other tweaked out people. lol. and just whatever you wanna do thats normally fun, because it will be funner. haha. :peace:
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    i just ate a whole tube of Bacon Ranch Pringles.......

    :grin: ive just eaten almost a whole box of double stuff oreos, minues one for everyone of course!
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    Harbor Freight

    due time is the time that they are due to arrive in, lol. depends what you order. It obviously may take a little longer to ship an air compressor than a screwdriver but if they say 3-5 days , its always come w/i 3-5.
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    Harbor Freight

    I've always had decent service from harbor frieight. They may not have the best customer service but I have gottewn my orders in their due time every time I have ordered.
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    Cannabis Oreos - Personal Favourite!

    what have everyones experiences with firecrackers been like. I enjoy them, they are easy and quick and work well. I would take a nice cannabrownie so i didnt have to munch all that plant matter but...neways. Yall get pretty high from these? or nay? :peace:
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    What is your favorite smoking device?

    my fave is def the bongster. I notice not many ppl said vaporizer, I smoked out of a vape for the last time last night and althought it offered a short light head buzz it didnt seem worth it to me. itas also one of the "bcvaporizer" style, with the glass dome. Ive heard those dont work.
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    glass sliders

    yea, i know they obviously will break easier than a chunky blown glass slider. The thing is is that I have 3 bongs that need sliders, ive broke them all, and i cant rlly afford to drop 100 bucks or more on a few sliders. I was hoping to find a 5 or 10 pack of the cheap ones. Also, any...
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    glass sliders

    I'm looking for somehwere online that I can order like 5 simple glass sliders for some bongs. I think 9mm, they are the standard little sliders that usually come with a medium grade bong. I've broke the couple I have and want to replace them and also have some backups. I cant veen find somewhere...
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    yea ive never tried an internet pharmacy but if anyone knows of any that actually work, lemme know. neways they do have a tendency to erase
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    Hello all. I've been a member on RIU for about 4 months but decided to change my name today. Regardless, I have been prescribed xanax for about 6 months for anxiety. I get 1mg tablets. However i obviously prefer to medicate myself with bud, it doesnt make me want to go night-night like the xanax...