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  1. C

    How are My Plants Doing and When Can I Harvest?

    thanks everybody! i'll keep all that in mind. How much do you guys think i'll be able to get out of these babys?
  2. C

    How are My Plants Doing and When Can I Harvest?

    Whats up guys. I'm growin a few royal queen and flashback seeds from ams, and theyre about 3-4 weeks into flowering. They've been looking pretty well however they seem to have stopped growing so much for some reason. They have real long 1/2 inch hairs but not really much actual bud between...
  3. C

    OMG! Fuckin Landlord Stopped by today

    My landlord is the man. I live in a college town and everyone here is students and smokes tons of weed. He's seen me and my friends smokin lots of times and never says shit. Saw my plant too and just doesn't care.
  4. C

    Which of these should I use (see pics)?

    growing in soil. My main concerns are if I should be mixing the fox farms stuff with the advanced stuff, and if so much much of each, and how often do I feed it that stuff? Also, I have that little bag of powder labeled pirhana, whats that stuff for?
  5. C

    Which of these should I use (see pics)?

    A friend of mine dropped these off but didnt really explain how/when/how much to use. I've just been using the grow big by fox farms.
  6. C

    Plants leaves are curling down but otherwise look healthy. Pics inside

    Anyone else? I watered her cause I figured she was under watered but it hasn't done anything. She's still droopy as hell.
  7. C

    Plants leaves are curling down but otherwise look healthy. Pics inside

    So the plant got healthier and started growing beautifully: And then it started getting all droopy again. So I figured it was time to transplant as it was drinking water pretty quickly. I moved it into this 3 gal bucket, And it's still all droopy and hasn't grown since. pH is spot on at...
  8. C

    Plants leaves are curling down but otherwise look healthy. Pics inside

    But these are new leaves doing this, I don't want the new leaves to be all droopy as well. Maybe I over watered?
  9. C

    Plants leaves are curling down but otherwise look healthy. Pics inside

    Yeah I found that out after I bought it. Light Warrior you say? Is that also by Fox Farm? It's definitely alive and growing about 1/4 inch each day but I just don't get why the leaves a curling. Also, are these green 2 prong pH/Moisture/Light meters any good? The one they sell at Lowes I...
  10. C

    Plants leaves are curling down but otherwise look healthy. Pics inside

    Thanks guys. What is pH runoff? I'm guessing the water that drains out the bottom when watering the plant? I don't think it's bark chips, I'm not sure though. It's whatever comes in Fox Farm Ocean Forest.
  11. C

    Plants leaves are curling down but otherwise look healthy. Pics inside

    Hey guys, I've tried to read up and search since there's a million of these threads but they all seem to me a little different. My plant's leaves are curling down, but they're green and healthy looking. The plants about 10 days old from seed. I don't think it's over watering as I really only...
  12. C

    Just set up my new grow. Please critique!

    For some reason they're just not growing. The one still looks alive but it hasn't gotten any bigger in 3 days that it's been in there. The 2 seedlings that I planted after germinating never sprouted either, and the other 2 that sprouted are dead. What happened? Why are they just not growing?
  13. C

    Just set up my new grow. Please critique!

    It's just a little tiny heat/fan but I don't have the heat part on obviously just the fan. I took off the reflectors and turned off 2 bulbs, the temps dropped to about 78* F. I just hope the recoup. How often should I be watering them?
  14. C

    Just set up my new grow. Please critique!

    I bought a fan today, and just placed it right in front of the plants taking in air from the the living room. It's about 82* F in there. However I think some of the plants are dead. One of them is growing but it's kind of yellowing and shriveled. Here's some pics, any advice?
  15. C

    Just set up my new grow. Please critique!

    I'm gonna be rebuilding the whole setup today with 2 fans. One fo the babies I think died however. What could have casued this? It was the healthiest one and I came home and it was just lying down on the ground shriveling up :sad:. The others a fine however. Also, How much water do these babies...
  16. C

    Just set up my new grow. Please critique!

    anyone? Also I came home tonight and one of the plants is not facing up anymore. It's laying like it's dead on the dirt. What could have caused this?
  17. C

    Just set up my new grow. Please critique!

    Yeah I opened it this morning and it was like a million degrees in there. Is there any chance those CFL's are hot enough to catch the cloth wardrobe on fire? I think I'm gonna trash the wardrobe and just built a box.
  18. C

    Just set up my new grow. Please critique!

    Hah thanks guys. It was 18$ at walmart, can't beat that! I'm definitely not looking to buy more lights, just improve the setup I have. I think 200 watts of CFL are more than enough for the 1-3 plants I hope grow up to be females. I'm just looking for advice as to where I should put the fan, if I...
  19. C

    Just set up my new grow. Please critique!

    Hey guys. I just set up a new grow box in my laundry closet. I used a hanging cloth wardrobe from Walmart, and lined the inside with Mylar. I've got the whole thing hangin on a shower rod (see pics below). It's pretty sturdy. I have 8 x 23 watt 6500k CFL's with reflectors, and 2 x 30 watt 2700...