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  1. S

    short rider not growing

    no one else has any suggestions??
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    short rider not growing

    well im throwing the scronny one into 48 hwrs of dark in hopes to trigger autoflower. night
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    short rider not growing

    sorry camera isnt working. but they only have 2 sets of leaves they are green and well, but small and no auto. they get about 10 hwrs of light a day, since they are grown by the sun
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    short rider not growing

    this plant gets taken outside in the day they are 4 weeks old now and neither one of them has grown since the 2nd week. no flowers, or even leaves. what the fuck. what should i do??
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    Chief Puff Puff's Tent Grow---Auto Blue Mystics

    i would really love to see the origanal grow, oldreefer is completely off topic and should leave or be reported. im tired of all this offtopic-ness. and im sure that the author will agree with me completely.
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    Short ryder and 2 bagseed grow

    one seed has come up from the soil today, a SR. i will be putting it in a window during the day and under a light at night, untill we get 20+ hours of sunlight a day, then it will be in full sun.
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    Chief Puff Puff's Tent Grow---Auto Blue Mystics

    lookin good man every day they get bigger. and "oldreefer" i dont see any of your weed growing, so you must suck at that. also, my gf grows with me, and she still names our plants girl names. why?? because if you have a female named bill......well.... that just shows your want for male...
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    Short ryder and 2 bagseed grow

    ok, out of the 5 seeds from narvina ive planted 3 germinated, been what 2-3 days now and not one has popped from the soil. i planted them tap root down 1 1/2" in the soil, the soil is very damp, and i have suran wrap covering the cups to keep them moist. please, tell me if im doing anything...
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    Chief Puff Puff's Tent Grow---Auto Blue Mystics

    hey just stopped in, im growing short rider atm so i figured ide see your ladies and DAMN. there so fine you should install a stripper pole man!!
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    Growing outdoor in Alaska

    i just hate when people say it cant be done when it been being done for years...... i hate it when people say "alaska is too cold" :only 4 hours of sun" if you dont know shut your mouth and not let others know how stupid you are. 907 pride. we grow it great in the land of the midnight sun.
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    Growing outdoor in Alaska

    you obiously dont live in alaska..... its people like you that piss me off dont know a single fucking thing and run your mouth. please go eat glass and die.
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    Short ryder and 2 bagseed grow

    no signs of life today. will check up again tonight, but the short ryder seeds i got are undevolped and small. im kinda dissapointed. this was my first buy from a seed bank, and they had good shipping but crappy seeds. not impressed narvina.
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    Short ryder and 2 bagseed grow

    one SR seed has popped, not one of the three bagseed strains have popped. what a shame. still waiting and will keep updates
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    Short ryder and 2 bagseed grow

    Hey guys im doing a grow seeds are germinating right now i have 2 narvina short riders ive heard bad things but am going to try them. i do like in alaska and my plan for the short riders is to have them under 24/0 and put them out in the days, to get the alaskan sun. hints why they are all...