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  1. MysteryCheese

    first grow, second week of flowering... still cant get rid of the fungus Gnats.

    These are pictures of my first grow, made the mistake of trying to grow numerous strains but they all seem to be doing pretty good. Right now I'm using 1000w hps with Allmix medium and Biobizz nutrient. The only problem I'm having is getting rid of pesky fungus gnats, these little bastards seem...
  2. MysteryCheese

    Pure afghan can anyone help

    If your not flowering just yet, you should have a little time to save some cash. But once you get those ladies in flowering, it's a different story. :D Did some Afgani Kush Ryder from world seeds in my apartment. The plants gave off a little bit of green plant smell at first, but then they...
  3. MysteryCheese

    Need some nutrient ideas for my aero system pls.

    I've been doing organic soil growing (Biobizz nutrient) for a little while and decided to change it up. Built an aero system with 28 sights, but having some trouble finding nutrients for the aero, any suggestions? Tried using the Biobizz, But later found out that was a mistake. I'm looking for...
  4. MysteryCheese

    Humidity Problem, Need Advice, Please help

    Cool, I'll check it out.
  5. MysteryCheese

    Humidity Problem, Need Advice, Please help

    ok, I'll give both a try and see what happens, thanks for the advice!
  6. MysteryCheese

    Humidity Problem, Need Advice, Please help

    humidity is usually around 30% in the room and the tent is set up for Co2 not the room. I'm doing SOG so trying to focus more on the girls flowering (with using Co2).
  7. MysteryCheese

    Humidity Problem, Need Advice, Please help

    I just got a grow tent to flower my girls in, right now I'm using a 1000w hps with Co2 for an enclosed system and the only vent I have is for my hps. During the day photo period the climate is almost perfect, around 75 degrees and about 30 percent humidity but at night the humidity jumps to...
  8. MysteryCheese

    ok so i started my first tent need help?

    Don't take this the wrong way, but if you plan on growing a great crop I suggest picking up a few books on growing, it will definitely answer a lot of your questions. I suggest one of the Grow Bible books by Greg Green, it helped me out a lot when i first started growing.
  9. MysteryCheese

    ok so i started my first tent need help?

    Parts per million (PPM) is a way of expressing percent (%) in small amounts. In hydroponics or soil, it is used to express the quantity of one amount of material dissolved into another (salts into a volume of water). Most plants do well between 1000 and 2000 PPM. It's also used for Co2...
  10. MysteryCheese

    how much water ?

    similar set up too... I also only water once a week, but that seems to be ok for now. just a suggestion, try to pick up your pots when you water them, just to get a feel when their full. then check them periodically througout the week, the pots that need water will feel exremely light, after a...
  11. MysteryCheese

    How much and how offten should i water??

    what kind of medium do you use?
  12. MysteryCheese

    cultivation prescription friend or foe?

    just wanted to hear some of your thoughts on cultivation prescriptions in states where growing medical MJ is "legal". I've been growing for quite sometime and have been a medial patient for even longer... what I want to know, is it a burn for me to optain a cultivation prescription if I wanna...
  13. MysteryCheese

    hey need little help plz

    also look into ph up and ph down solutions... they help regulate theph in your tap water.
  14. MysteryCheese

    hey need little help plz

    ph water, meaning perfectly ph balanced water. tap water is fine, but you should let it sit, if possible 24 hours to let the clorine evaporate. you need to purchase a ph checker or you can go the cheaper route and buy dip sticks that check the ph... you can find them at your local grow shop or...
  15. MysteryCheese

    hey need little help plz

    trial and error, live and learn... just don't stop growing...
  16. MysteryCheese

    hey need little help plz

    What kind of compost medium is it? did you flush the compost with ph water before you planted them? I used a similar compost when i started but later found out that the compost I was using was highly acidic. i would recommend flushing them with ph water and feeding them straight ph water for a...
  17. MysteryCheese

    Co2 Boost?

    i tried the excellofizz pucks for a while and i was getting pretty good results but not great results, for the price I'm not sure it's worth it... i saved up some cash for a Co2 Reg and tank, I'm a lot happier with the tank because i can regulate the vent and the Co2 to work in unison. as for...
  18. MysteryCheese

    lighting hours

    from what I understand, it takes time for the plant to mature before it starts flowering (from seed) hence the vegetative state, but if its a clone it may begin to flower because the clone is from a mother plant, which may be mature enough to flower if you induce flowering by putting them on a...