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  1. Ras Sativa

    what day did you harvest your Super Automatic Sativa (SAS)

    what day did you harvest your Super Automatic Sativa (SAS)
  2. Ras Sativa

    Grow tent

    Bump!!!! :hump:
  3. Ras Sativa

    1000 watt hps; 4x2x5 grow tent; 6 inch 400 cfm inline

    Thanx for the advice, It'll save me a couple of bucks too. What strain u plan on growing? I going for PPP but I still have to get my equipment about Feb
  4. Ras Sativa

    1000 watt hps; 4x2x5 grow tent; 6 inch 400 cfm inline

    Jose I'm purchasing a similar set up 1000 watt 4x2x5 tent because of space issues but I was wondering how many 2 gal pots can u fit in there
  5. Ras Sativa

    Grow tent

    I want to get a grow tent 4x2x5 could I fit 8 2gal pots in there also I am growing satva doms like PPP so would/could this be a good fit :confused: