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  1. R

    blueberry 3 way and og

    Girls in different stages
  2. R

    43 days

    If it turns out to be mildew what should I do to take care of it? Thanks!!
  3. R

    43 days

    yeah ill check into it some more tonight. But like I said it seems to be drywall dust its also on the top of my reflector which I didn't know was happening. Im vacuum it up when everything shuts down
  4. R

    43 days

    yea I just gotta wait until the light goes off. But I just went to take a closer look and it seems to be drywall dust from the stairs
  5. R

    43 days

    No trust me its not mildew its trichs forsure. It could just be the pics themsefls
  6. R

    43 days

  7. R

    overwatering or too much lights?

    looks like to much water bro let her dry out some
  8. R

    Lst ????

    tie them down broand just keeep training them around and theyii turn into monters with the right light and space!!
  9. R

    1 week into flowering!

    dude that plant doesnt look so healthy?? Is that sand you are growing in?? But like they said your not going to see much for another week or two..
  10. R

    og kush getting yellow leaves early???????

    yea it has its own solo cal-mag and ive been feeding as scheduled
  11. R

    Are These Plants Ready For Harvest?

    They look gr8t but id give it another week or so...
  12. R

    og kush getting yellow leaves early???????

    they have all been getting cal-mag from botanicare.... I there product line..
  13. R

    og kush getting yellow leaves early???????

    let me know what the deal is.. ....
  14. R

    og kush getting yellow leaves early???????

    Not sure why but one of my og kush are pretty early. i know its not over watering or nute burn becausei have another one that looks good. My pineapple look great too. But i just dont understand why shes doing this. Do some plants mature earlier than thier supposed to????? Ill take some pics...
  15. R

    cuttings do they degenerate

    She is sexy as hell bro!!! what strain is it?
  16. R

    Check out the ladies 12 days into flower

    Theres 4 plants in there 2 pineapple express and 2 og kush
  17. R

    whats the better nutes. foxfarm or botanicare?

    I use everything botanicare cal-mag liquid karma grow bloom all of it..
  18. R

    whats the better nutes. foxfarm or botanicare?

    Ive been using botinacare for awhile now and so far I really like the results. Im almost three weeks into flower and have great bud formation. Botinacare forsure!
  19. R

    1st week of flower

    they are pretty healthy though i been feeding the hell out of em
  20. R

    1st week of flower

    yea id didnt realize it untill i downloaded them...