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  1. E

    Fox Farm

    WOW, Thanks.
  2. E

    Fox Farm

    Thanks budalushious!
  3. E

    Buying a premade hydro system

    Im with you Tip Top there is no since in spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars (unless you have it to waste) to grow something, when you have the same stuff out back in the shed. It may not be as pretty or as durable but it will serve the EXACT same purpose and yield the same.
  4. E

    Fox Farm

    Right on man!!!!! Thanks for the advice. When I purchased the FF line up I really didnt read into the open seasame, beastie bud and cha ching, maybe I should have. LOL. Oh and the other thing NO WORRIES man you always have them where ever you go. THANKS!!!
  5. E

    Fox Farm

    Good deal man!!!!!!!!! Thats great. I think I'm gonna stick with half strenth then, that seems to be the way to go. THANKS.
  6. E

    Fox Farm

    Right on, I just harvested 8 plants ( 6 Afgani and 2 White Widow) and I was not happy with the yeild at all. So I purchased the Fox Farm Trio and a T5 HO light system. I've got 8 ICE spouts about 3 days old and I just put in 1 TBL of Big Bloom per gallon and thats half of what they call for at...
  7. E

    Fox Farm

    Right on, I'm done. In all the years that I've been growing and in the mix with all kind of differnt growers I have never ran into ANYONE like you, and thats been damn near 35 years.
  8. E

    Fox Farm

    Well obviouslly your not gonna stop with your snideness so I'll just ask you then. Why is it agaist the rules to ask a question in differnt forums, I kinda thought thats what the forums were here for, since you know so damn much maybe you can tell me, but then again I'm kinda gettin the picture...
  9. E

    Need help

    The gnat like creatures I believe do come in the soil, I have purchased soil before and as soon as I open the bag there they are but like sutragrow said they are completly harmless just annoying as hell. What I did is got one of those fly strips and they were all gone in one day(still in the...
  10. E

    Fox Farm

    Now thats the answer I was looking for. I have been growing outside for a lot of years, just started growing indoors and wanted to try differnt things. I had one grow so far indoors with just soil and absolutely no nutes and of 8 plants (6 afganhi and 2 white widow) I only averaged about 20 to...
  11. E

    Fox Farm

    For someone who has only been a part of this site for a little over 6 month's you act like you created it, this is the ONLY thing that got me a little cross ways and yes I did say some mean and hateful things and I may have gotten a bit of attitude and yes I was wrong for that, and why you...
  12. E

    Fox Farm

    Anyway to everyone who were actually tying to help answer my question, THANK YOU.
  13. E

    Fox Farm

    Wow you just dont stop do you. Enough is enough. I kinda thought or at least I hope that a forum like this one was full of grown ups, but I guess I was wrong. SHOOT I guess from now on if I ask a question just totally ignore me, because if its going to turn into an ordeal like this (like I'm...
  14. E

    Fox Farm

    Wow, I didn't realize this was going to turn into such a big deal. I said I was sorry if I offended anyone. Just didn't realize anking a question on differnt forums was such an issue. And yes I am new to Rollitup but I didn't just fall off the turnip wagon last night. Once again I Appolgize
  15. E

    Fox Farm

    Just thought I might get different responses from different people if I have offended you then I am sorry. Didnt know you were the Forum police. I'll know better next time. There is really no reason to be a hater. Didnt really think people like you existed on this web site.
  16. E

    Fox Farm

    I'm looking for anyone who has used the Fox Farm line up (Grow Big, Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom). In the past I havent grown with anything but just regular T12 flouresent and straight water, no fancy lights or nutes. But I recently purchased a T5 Ho 4' 8 bulb 40,000 lumens and got the Fox Farm...
  17. E


    Just looking for any input on the strain ICE, any info on the size as far as is it a short or tall, high yeild or low, just in general any info on the strain would be very much appreciated. THANKS.
  18. E

    T5 HO lights

    I recently purchased a 4' 8 bulb T5 HO fixture it came with the 8 54W 6500K bulbs and I grew a very good and plentiful "garden". I now purchased 8 54W 3000K bulbs, my question is on my next go around when I put the 3000K's in for flowering what is the differnce in outcome going to be...
  19. E

    how much will I yield, a estimate please??

    6.4 ounces really isnt that much coming from 4 plants, but then again I guess if your expectations are low then you may be happier in the end.
  20. E

    Special Strain Info

    I've read just about everything the differnt seed banks have to offer to read. What I was looking for is somebody or anybody who has actually grown it. Experince. Not just what some desk jockey that works for a seed bank typed up from a news letter. Thanks anyway.