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  1. Farfig Newton


    Ok , new lights it is. Lol I won't have more than two lights, I'm not trying to go all out.
  2. Farfig Newton


    what is the minimum wattage for a light bulb that you should grow with, and expect a nice harvest? i have two 18" 15watt flourescent lights from home depot that are putting out light from the spectrum that plants can receive it the easiest. i've had the lights on them almost the whole time...
  3. Farfig Newton

    Force flower question

    Okay , I'll take the bags off tomorrow
  4. Farfig Newton

    Force flower question

    In not sure how to upload pics from my iPhone, but it's in a barn and it's up in the loft of the barn. The plants are underneath a large skylight, and I have two light fixtures with plant bulbs shining on them.
  5. Farfig Newton

    Force flower question

    So I have three plants, all about 3 months old, and I want to force flower them now. I just put black trashbags over them. How long do I leave them on for? Do I have to remove them and put them back on at twelve hour intervals?
  6. Farfig Newton

    autoflowering question

    sounds like i might have to go and buy some autoflowering seeds
  7. Farfig Newton

    autoflowering question

    so autoflowering plants will flower no matter what light cycle?? do they grow more quickly? do they produce a large amount of buds? is the THC level high? i dont have any, but the answers to these questions will probably determine whether or not i buy any
  8. Farfig Newton

    i clipped a good amount of my leaves off

    well it is true that the only thing i was thinking when cutting the leaves is that i wanted a smidge of the leaf to be left. The angle of the cut wasnt very important to me. :P
  9. Farfig Newton

    i clipped a good amount of my leaves off

    the bubblegum and the blue dream were darker i think when i bought them. im not experienced this is my first grow, so i have a ghetto set up haha. all i do is have my light on (2 aquarium / plant lights, and i have a sky pretty large sky light above them) and water them every two or three days...
  10. Farfig Newton

    i clipped a good amount of my leaves off

    hacked up? i only clipped a few leaves , either way i dont know if i will again. on these as well as my next set of plants.
  11. Farfig Newton

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    the tallest plant is my bubblegum kush, the shortest plant is my blue dream, and the middle and greenest plant is my diablo og kush. the bubblegum i bought as a clone a few weeks old and planted it, same with the blue dream (idk how smart that was), and the diablo i planted from a seed on Oct 8
  12. Farfig Newton

    i clipped a good amount of my leaves off

    Blue Dream BubbleGum Kush Diablo OG Kush
  13. Farfig Newton

    i clipped a good amount of my leaves off

    I cut them so my kids are in a "teardrop" shape
  14. Farfig Newton

    i clipped a good amount of my leaves off

    I never cut them at random and if I could load the pics up you guys could see thst I didn't full clip off the leaf , just 80% of what ever leaf I did decide to cut
  15. Farfig Newton

    i clipped a good amount of my leaves off

    Is there a way to post pics from your iPhone ?
  16. Farfig Newton

    i clipped a good amount of my leaves off

    your a fucking douche
  17. Farfig Newton

    i clipped a good amount of my leaves off

    thanks i will post pics as soon as i can. i have 3 dif female strains , all dif ages, growing next to eachother. Bubblegum Kush (bought as a clone around 1month old, planted on Oct 16) Blue Dream (bought as a clone about 3 weeks old Oct 12) Diablo OG Kush (planted the seed on Oct 8 . )...
  18. Farfig Newton

    i clipped a good amount of my leaves off

    is that ok? i was thinking that if i clipped off some leaves that the buds will get more light and grow bigger. is it better to have more leaves that shadow more of the plant? or to cut off a good amount of the leaves so the buds get more light? let me know if i am correct and any thing that...
  19. Farfig Newton

    help me with my setup??

    oh and im only looking to grow one plant in there at a time, no special reason just not looking to go overboard for my first time
  20. Farfig Newton

    help me with my setup??

    so in the planning stage of growing :\ i have a 2'd / 3'w / 4't space (indoor closet) to grow in. and i have a seed that i really want to grow. Some Royal Bubba that i got from a clinic and stoned me harder than ive experienced in a while. so i was wondering what would be the best way...