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  1. Magnificence

    Pictures: wtf is this shit?

    My landlord said that there is a "filter" set up for the whole house, so this is sounding very likely. Thank you SO much, this all makes sense now!
  2. Magnificence

    Pictures: wtf is this shit?

    I get it out of the shower in my bathroom. Do I need to go buy ten gallons of distilled water to replace it with? Is salt buildup a potential problem in hydro?
  3. Magnificence

    Pictures: wtf is this shit?

    Your description fits my plants pretty well. Most new leaves do not have holes in them, and the older leaves don't have holes either. The middle aged leaves have the holes, and the older leaves have the blotched discoloration that you see in the picture. All I need to do is add some chemical...
  4. Magnificence

    Pictures: wtf is this shit?

    Anybody know what this is? Please help me before these guys pass away! These things are occurring on plants in both soil and hydro. I regularly check PH and everything is good. Nutrients etc is all good. My friend brought in some soil, though, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was infested...
  5. Magnificence

    GreenHouse White Widow Feminized in Aero

    joC, excellent thread and grow. Those WW look incredible. I was wondering if you have any tips for creating the plumbing on the buckets? What type of seal do you use? Any type of hint would be well appreciated. I'm more or less looking for information that you may have learned from trial and...
  6. Magnificence

    What is Jail Like?

    Dont speak tho. Also if they tell you to do something, do it. (Police)
  7. Magnificence

    What is Jail Like?

    its a lot of fun if you pretend to hold a joint in your left hand up to your mouth and put up the peace sign with the other, THE ENTIRE TIME YOU ARE AWAKE.
  8. Magnificence

    Could be going to jail. IDK

    I love TGA Subcool in an East coast farmer type way. I ALSO LOVE HIS SEEDS OMG. GOOD SHIT. FOR REAL. - via Vio
  9. Magnificence

    Could be going to jail. IDK

    I support anyone that grows cannabis legally or illegally. SUPPORT ME PLEASE OR THE LAWS WILL STAY THE SAME. - via Vio (this is a pic of via Vio smokin some kush) FRESH! This was taken on Saturday before Brent Taylor Parker AKA via Vio was arrested.
  10. Magnificence

    Could be going to jail. IDK

    Go look it up in the dictionary. Words tend to have multiple meanings. Did you know?
  11. Magnificence

    Could be going to jail. IDK

    This post will be intended to serve as a record of foolishness. I regret making this post but I think having a large enough amount of people tell Via Vio how stupid his behavior has been will be good to show that becoming a meaningless martyr is not good even if you are, in principle, correct...