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  1. A

    Plant problem: Possibly Nitrogen defficiency?

    Yeah the Ocean Forest is supposed to be good for the first month so it is time I start giving it nutes, but since its an auto flower I was just going to buy some foxfarm big bloom and only nute it for the flower stage but I guess that was a bad call. I'll go ahead and buy some nutes for it. Yeah...
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    Plant problem: Possibly Nitrogen defficiency?

    Bump, any help would be appreciated please, I have to fix this this problem before I leave for xmas and it gets worse.
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    What mutant plant is this????

    Wow thats funny. I'm not a pro, and I can't exactly tell you whats wrong with your plant, but I'd say nothing actually. It is growing unlike anything I've seen yet, but I have a plant thats growing 4 and 5 and one has 6 leaves on it. So thats not uncommon. They may be growing unproportional, but...
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    Plant problem: Possibly Nitrogen defficiency?

    Well, this is my plant that I stunted in growth. I'm just growing the one feminized fast bud right now, with 1 55 wat 2700, 1 42 wat 2700, and then the shop light over hang of 32 wat I think. Anway, I have a total of like 120 lumens atleast on the one plant so it should be good. I left it alone...
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    Stunted growth.

    I'm using half Fox Farm Ocean Forest and half Lil Warrior which is vermiculite and perlite. No nutes, theres enough for the first month in the soil. Its definately not nute burn, I definately think that the roots just got light and it stressed it. Theres hardly any of the soil from the first...
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    Stunted growth.

    Alright thanks for the response man. The stems are turning purple from the stress so I'm guessing that the roots definately got alot of light. But he says that they didn't. Anyway, I'll give it another couple of days and see if grows at all.
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    Stunted growth.

    I had my friend transplant my 10 day old plant while I was away for Thanksgiving and it hasn't grown since. He didn't transplant it right, most of the dirt from the original small pot is still in it so I'm guessing that when he did it the roots got light and they're really stressed from being...