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  1. G

    Overgrow the Government in Washington D.C. on 4/20/2011

    sure, i'll be there. wait, what day is 420 this year? hopefully not a school day..
  2. G

    I Wrote This Letter to My State's Governor

    posted this on 420chan, but of course not everyone on here lurks there. Bob McDonnell is the republican governor of VA Mr. McDonnell, I am a 19 year old college freshman currently attending Northern Virginia Community College. Because of a recent relocation with my single mother, we...
  3. G


    i don't really want to go into specifics on how i got caught. i got caught and that's that. they found my grinder too, couldn't have swallowed that.they let me keep my pipe and i was able to smoke a resin bowl that night. if i learned anything from that experience, it's to NEVER say ANYTHING to...
  4. G


    Living in virginia at the moment. apparently this arrest is VERY common and i looked it up, there will be at least a dozen other people there on my court date with the EXACT same charge. I'd love to fight the charge, and make a whole bunch of pro-legalization points in court. I'm a full time...
  5. G


    yeah i know, fucking cops man sucks too cuz most of my friends went to college in Cali and i thought i was keeping it real staying east... now i always have to hear about their new friends smoking them out on medical grade not even a good gram, dude. and i had already smoked a bowl
  6. G


    I'll admit, there are plenty of things i'm going to be missing about real marijuana. I really loved the colors and scents of good bud. As with a high on anything, there was always a different high with weed. but like i said, i'm using this kind called 'hysteria' and it's way better than the...
  7. G


    So after getting caught with a gram of high mids, i'm looking at possibly 8 months of probation. Instead of freaking out before every drugtest, chugging detox drinks and gallons of water, I'm sticking to this 'fake weed' stuff. I have no idea what people are talking about when they say...
  8. G

    enter the dubstep!!!

    dubstep is the fucking worst... well actually, don't quote me on that. people who LISTEN TO dubstep are usually the fucking worst, no offense.
  9. G

    :Joint: Tokin'

    i recently bought a quarter of mids... which was pretty fun considering the prices i'm used to. it was 50 bucks a quarter and i rolled a bunch of blunts and did some firecrackers. i think i'm over mids, though. i'd rather just save up and have some dank every now and then than always be toking...
  10. G

    No longer lurking

    Well, I'm not actually native to Guam. I just lived their for most of my memorable life. but to answer your question, the indigenous people are called 'chamorros'. And actually, i guess if you're FROM guam no matter what you are a guamanian, you're right. was your grandfather in the military...
  11. G

    Know Any Famous Influential People On Drugs
  12. G


    I don't have anything to say here, our system is blowing it but at least there's no way he's getting 10 years.
  13. G

    A thread for hip hop heads

    I've always been real big into hip hop... when i'm blazed i really dig the harder stuff like El-P and Cannibal Ox also ghostface, GZA, a tribe called quest, and deltron to name a few
  14. G

    No longer lurking

    skate as in skateboard, and thanks for the welcomes!
  15. G

    Funny Tv shows (You should watch) + Links

    I always thought 30 Rock was just for total tv nerds, but it's actually really easy to get in to and i find each episode to be hilarious, intelligent, and entertaining whether i'm baked or not. Of course, the office too. That's about all the tv i watch.
  16. G

    So i was cleaning out my car...

    you might have turned yourself in?
  17. G


    Hopefully i'm this isn't abp... but if you've never heard of dwarr you should really check them out From what i've read, the lead guitarist Duane Warr initially released about 3 albums before he became a born again christian and burned all of his...
  18. G

    No longer lurking

    Ahoy, new amigos! I'm pretty positive that not many people check this area of the board... but i've been on a few forums and i know it's customary to give an introduction post. Just moved to northern Virginia from Guam. I'm super hyped on the herb in the states... it's so much cheaper then...