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  1. Hughes of Green

    Them's Some Big Women!

    I had a gap in time when I was unable to flower my plants. My biggest is now about 6 1/2 feet tall and it's starting week 5 of flowering. It is now beginning to lean pretty significantly. Any tips on how to support her? I've got to move her around a good bit to get at the rest of my girls...
  2. Hughes of Green

    Anything comparable to Reverse Osmosis?

    I'm getting a new grow put together and I was wondering if there is any type of water treatment that is comparable to RO, but wastes less. The water at this place has a high PH and dissolved solids. Not too sure about the EC. Moral qualms keep me from being able to use RO. Waste not want not...
  3. Hughes of Green

    My electrician's an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I recently got a new light hooked up. My electrician somehow f#!*ed up wiring it in and now I believe my lights have been on constantly in my flowering room. It's been a few days, since I get off of my other job at the same time as the lights turn on. I've had a bunch of plants in there...
  4. Hughes of Green

    Powdery Mildew. In need of advice

    Thanks fellas. Been holding steady. Not getting any better or worse. Does anyone know much about sulphur burners? I'd like to get rid of the whole problem before my girls get in to heavy flowering. Does the sulphur smell stick to the buds? Don't want my girls tasting like butt.
  5. Hughes of Green

    Powdery Mildew. In need of advice

    Just noticed some powdery mildew on a recent harvest. Upon returning to my room this evening, I noticed that a few other plants were showing signs of the terrible stuff. I chucked those with the worst damage and sprayed the rest down with 2TBSP of Serenade to 1.5 quarts of water. Gave 2...
  6. Hughes of Green

    Are light movers any good?

    I'm a grower with inklings toward a low carbon footprint. I've tried LEDs and they're horrible for anything but the vegetative stage. Got about an ounce of useable medicine off on 3 plants. DON'T BUY THE SUPERNOVA ENHANCED SPECTRUM AND EXPECT ANY GOOD PRODUCT!!!!!!!!!!!! Does anyone know if...
  7. Hughes of Green

    growing potential hermes

    Thanks for the info. I may just have to bag those ladies. It's unfortunate, it seems such a waste. But better to chop a bad crop now than later.
  8. Hughes of Green

    growing potential hermes

    In a bit of a quandry. My caregiver gave me a series of Northern Brite and Ice Cream clones. He said that they were turning herme. However, the last plant that he gave me that he realized turned herme at week 5 never did for me. Due to the fact that I need to get out of my current grow, I'm...