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  1. N

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    Here, my first grow too. miracle grow, all three-tomato, regular, and bloom. Four 23 watt 2700k cfls and three 23 watt 6500k cfls and scotts moisture soil. be very light on the fert use an 8th what they say on box at first, then work up to 1/2 or 3/4 strength. Here's mine finished last week.
  2. N


    Hi, i'm no expert but i just did my first grow with the help of people on this site. Take everything with a grain of salt. Go with what the majority say. But remember, mj is like a child, the more you show her love the more she'll love you. I did a bagseed grow, 6 to start with, ended with one...
  3. N

    COMMENTS? My homemade cfl grow box

    This was my first grow thanks to it hink it went well. closet grow with 3 2700k 23 watt and 3 6500k 23 watt cfls. scotts soil mix. make sure you have plenty of cfls for ONE plant, lumens are important to mj.
  4. N

    Lowryder CFL

    Hi, this was my first grow too, unknown strain, bagseed. started with six, left with one after sexing. had 3 6500k 23 watt 3 2700k 23 watt cfl on all six and ended up giving it all to one female during flowering. i think your gunna need more light. good luck. this was what i got out of all that...
  5. N

    First Grow, Thanks

    You guys are the best.:clap: This was my first grow and I cant explain how much reading the forums on this site helped me. Thank you guys, especially Lady Zandra, your awesome girl.:clap: I think I did pretty well for just using CFLs, wife didn't know about the closet grow, hush hush. No one...