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  1. B

    Alleviate anxiety and sleep issues ?

    I think you nailed it! I don't respond well to something that is too potent! I'm not really concerned with where I order from, so any advice on something that is really week and would address my symptoms?
  2. B

    Alleviate anxiety and sleep issues ?

    It's panic, anxiety and sleep problems I'm dealing with! The panic is REALLY bad and the powerful stuff sends me into an attack! Please...any suggestions? Any suggestions from this site =
  3. B

    Alleviate anxiety and sleep issues ?

    It's panic, anxiety and sleep problems I'm dealing with! Any suggestions from this site =
  4. B

    Window growing?

    I'm looking to do somthing really simple...Window growing. I have sun all day, so can I juts put seeds in a pot and get an ok yield this winter?
  5. B

    Alleviate anxiety and sleep issues ?

    I'm trying to alleviate anxiety and sleep issues and someone recommended: "straight Sativa would be the way to go. More than likely an indica would probably do the job for you. " Does anyone know what he meant and what type this is and were I can get seeds like this? Thanks!