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  1. T

    3rd grow... LA Confidential T-5

    Oh yeah I'm very pleased.... And it is some VERY potent smoke :)
  2. T

    T5 VHO Lighting

    ive flowered with a 4 foot 6 bulb T5 and did pretty well.. check out my grow journal :)
  3. T

    3rd grow... LA Confidential T-5

    ended up harvesting just under a QP.. ill post some pics soon... picked up some casey jones a few days ago, transplanted from his hydro setup to soil... looks healthy so far!
  4. T

    T-5 mini closet grow, AN organic nutes, multiple strains

    lookin good brother... nice job!
  5. T

    3rd grow... LA Confidential T-5

    trichome pics with usb microscope! im thinking about harvesting sometime next week...
  6. T

    3rd grow... LA Confidential T-5

    i went and picked up some botanicare clearex. looks like mostly sugars. apparently its supposed to flush out all the salt byproducts from the soil and nutrients. as well as the nutrients themselves.
  7. T

    3rd grow... LA Confidential T-5

    i live in california and i have my prop 215 papers. im all legal :) dont have to worry about jail
  8. T

    3rd grow... LA Confidential T-5

    coming up on the 6th week of flower..... some new pics...:) im sure some of you will agree with me when i say my plants are looking amazing, especially for T-5! so far i am REALLY impressed, but i am concerned... i have very little marijuana smell. however, it smells like cat piss...
  9. T

    3rd grow... LA Confidential T-5

    thanks man! im so excited.... i cant wait to harvest!
  10. T

    3rd grow... LA Confidential T-5

    not sure yet... i still have another 3-4 weeks to go!
  11. T

    3rd grow... LA Confidential T-5

    i made a mistake... if you look back, on 11/11 i started flowering. so TODAY is the 4th week of flowering! somehow i screwed up. anyways i usually take all my pics with my iPhone, but i found my camera so took a few pics today.....
  12. T

    3rd grow... LA Confidential T-5

    i have 10-12 inches from the tops down where all my bud sites are nice and frosty. anything below that looks premature
  13. T

    3rd grow... LA Confidential T-5

    im also running organic nutes in good soil. my guess would be leaving that 6500k bulb in, and also consider that for the last week i had the lights on 24/0 and had them about 2 feet above the tops when i switched 12/12 with the new bulbs. maybe that had something to do with my huge stretch.
  14. T

    3rd grow... LA Confidential T-5

    i dunno man, i vegged mine to 10 inches, and they are 26 inches now after the stretch. in 2 gal pots. if you want to flower with T5 you have to keep them under 2 feet in my opinion. it seems like im pushing the limit with these plants. as far as the yield, im still unsure myself.
  15. T

    T-5 mini closet grow, AN organic nutes, multiple strains

    Believe it or not, I vegged mine to 10" and they stretched to 26"!
  16. T

    3rd grow... LA Confidential T-5

    Well I'm not running ANY filters, so I guess I'm in for a good smell soon hopefully... Look up "raiz t5" on google... an amazing t5 grow... Have you seen it? How are you getting 8 plants under that light? My 4 have outgrown the sPace under my light... Next time I'm only going to do 2.... MAYBE 3..
  17. T

    T-5 mini closet grow, AN organic nutes, multiple strains

    Nice work.... It looks you flower really early.. I might have to try that next time... Keep the plants smaller
  18. T

    3rd grow... LA Confidential T-5

    Most definitely.... :) I am a little concerned though. still not stinky, and I have a feeling these buds aren't going to get very big. With your experience with using T-5, what do you expect for yield in my case?
  19. T

    3rd grow... LA Confidential T-5

    exactly 4 weeks into flower.. thought i would post some frosty pics for you guys
  20. T

    3rd grow... LA Confidential T-5

    Just wanted to say thanks for all the advice, and awesome feedback guys.... You guys are making me proud of these girls! :) I'll post new pics after the weekend...