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  1. G

    Advice and predictions

    So heres a quick run down of the basics... 5 x 5 gal pots with a 70/30 coco/clay pebble mix. 4ft x 4ft space 600w hps 4-5 weeks veg lemon clones - 8-9 weeks flower good temps, good humidity, good air flow Maybe some LST and topping. Its a totally different approach this time, im...
  2. G

    The UK Growers Thread!

    what a silly cunt lol (not you obviously) Anyway, people of the uk, just give me a straight awnser to this very simple question, none of that "read up and do you research" awnsers please, whats the light penetration on a 600w hps? Running a LST at the min and canopys even at 16 inches, not...
  3. G

    Amsterdam purple diesel

    Thanks alot man for the info really appriciate it dude!
  4. G

    Amsterdam purple diesel

    Thanks for the reply bro, im defo gonna grow it out and see what comes of it! Just out of interest dude could you tell me roughly how long it would take to fuck up my bitchs if it is male? Basically what im gonna do it once ive vegged long enough im gonna chuck it in my 12/12 room and check...
  5. G

    Amsterdam purple diesel

    Forgot to add, from what ive researched about it, next generation NY could possibly be the breeder?! But i could also be completely wrong?!
  6. G

    Amsterdam purple diesel

    Hey guys, so basically to cut a long story short, i was in amsterdam last week smoking on some fire purple diesel when all of a sudden, i found a beauty of a seed in the bag :D so obviously that little badboy stayed in the bag and then went straight into my luggage and came home with me lol...
  7. G

    Feedback please

    Cool man! how many would you veg under a 300w?
  8. G

    Feedback please

    yeah thats what im gonna be doing sorry i should of mentioned, im going for SOG. Thanks for the replys dude!
  9. G

    Feedback please

    ok thanks for your feedback
  10. G

    Feedback please

    ok how long veg would you say the 300w cfl would be good for?! Would i be better to just veg and flower with the hps? im just going through as many options as possible at the mo. Thanks for the feedback guys i appriciate it man!
  11. G

    Feedback please

    my last post was to you akula sorry dude i forgot to use reply and posted quick reply sorry man lol im high lol
  12. G

    Feedback please

    what would you class as satisfactory?! What would your estimate be dry weight?
  13. G

    Feedback please

    right ill just get straight to the point, any feedback will be appriciated. starting 7 ghs cheese, gonna go for 8 weeks veg, first 6 weeks under 300w cfl 1.5gal pots, soil, last 2 weeks under 400w mh transplanted into 4gal (yes i know going the full 8 under the mh would help but i cant for a...
  14. G

    What these bugs

    schoolboy errors can cause MAJOR issues. Surely common sense tells you to screen an intake coming directly from outside?! Bud looks awesome though!
  15. G

    HPS vs MH

    p.s Im using a 600w HPS at the mo.
  16. G

    HPS vs MH

    Seeing as you already started the thread i might aswell ask a few questions myself. Is there much difference with heat using the MH for veg? Do they need to be air cooled? Im using a 1.2m tent and currently getting 85-87 degrees lights on, but i am now introducing a intake from outside so...
  17. G

    SCROG advice please!

    p.s how much would you expect to get dry weight using scrog with say 4 blue cheese/lemon plants in the same size pots, tent and light? Very intrigued by you scrog guys and your monster yeilds! lol
  18. G

    SCROG advice please!

    thanks for the response guys, i think ill just let them run abit longer without the net and see how much growth occurs in height, and then if possible just loosely tie a loop around the side branchs to add support but also push them towards the light abit more. Gonna need to look into...
  19. G

    SCROG advice please!

    Ok so im running 6 (i think lemon haze) plants in 3 gal pots, 1mx1m tent 600w hps, currently around 2.5-3 ft tall and in day 14 of flower, ive lollipoped all plants so ive a nice canopy to work with but what im wondering is, can i now introduce a scrog net even though the main colas are maybe...