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  1. Wheres my Chippy?

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    welp, seems like only the bay area wanted this! (surprise surprise) Thank you cali voters for shutting this shit bill down down down!
  2. Wheres my Chippy?

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    When I say look at Greece, what I mean is look at the REVOLTS in Greece, not the government.... Take a look at the Greece riots of 2009. I don't want socialism either.... I am an anarchist, as I've already pointed out.... I won't respond to much else of what you say, because that is your...
  3. Wheres my Chippy?

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    Realism only gets you so far. It keeps you trapped in your narrow-reality-tunnel to sit on your hands and keep your head in the sands, so you never really question authority in any true sense of the word. Reality is what you can get away with. Imagine if everyone thought that way "realisticly"...
  4. Wheres my Chippy?

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    Nope, it was all local law enforcement. 100 officers from 2 dozen agencies, to be exact. They don't give a fuck what's "law" and what isn't. "Law" is what the government and enforcement say it is. Their entire clubs were smashed and all product taken. Yeah, they may get it back in courts, but...
  5. Wheres my Chippy?

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    So is the rate of use..... That has nothing to do with how progressive the actual laws and peoples opinions towards these drugs has changed since then. I'm not doubting that law enforcements bread & butter are marijuana/drug related. But the peoples actions (not the governments) are extremely...
  6. Wheres my Chippy?

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    Well, I suppose your right about Homebrewing, but I am still allowed to possess as much alcholoe as I want legally. Just because I can't homebrew it doesn't mean that I can't go buy out an entire liquor store, which under prop19 would limit me to only 1 ounce of weed. Also, thats GREAT that its...
  7. Wheres my Chippy?

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    Well of course it'll never happen with an attitude like that. Must suck to be such a pessimist. Sorry, I refuse to lower myself to that standard. There have been many studies that prove that optimists live at least 19% longer than pessimists, maybe you should try it! I also honestly believe...
  8. Wheres my Chippy?

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    Wow, that is a pretty ignorant thing to say. So I guess the end of segregation, womens rights, homosexuals getting married, prop 215 (along with many other MMJ states), research into psychedelics, the right to an abortion, those are all non-progressive?
  9. Wheres my Chippy?

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    I am a prop215 patient (I actually do have a very real medical condition), so I can already grow legally. I just see how much harm this bill can do, as opposed to good. I see a lot of people loosing jobs because of it, I see how it is very wishy-washy with wording. I don't like the fact that...
  10. Wheres my Chippy?

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    Another great thing about this bill is that it states that counties and cities can implement it however they want... meaning that they don't have to follow prop19 if they don't want to. There are still counties/cities that REFUSE prop215 patients and don't allow it in there counties. Hell...
  11. Wheres my Chippy?

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    Wowsers! This thread is still going, and I see its veered WAAAAY off course! haha Damn, I just can't wait for it to fail miserably so this bickering can end! Then we can finally all agree to an actual good bill that will pass without a hitch!
  12. Wheres my Chippy?

    My Jack The Ripper

    Yeah, I'd say switch it up to the 600w if you've got it. It'll create more heat which you'll have to vent, but you'll have a higher yield. JTR is a fine strain, can't wait to see how she does for ya! Oh yeah, don't worry too much about the leaves, I prune the hell outta my plants at the bottom...
  13. Wheres my Chippy?

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    None of the Vote YES crowd has answered my question about if they think that the Hemp & Health bill is better than Prop 19? And if so, why not wait for that one to come around and try to make sure that it gets in? Also, mccumcumber, I don't want ANYBODY smoking toxic bud, I actually care about...
  14. Wheres my Chippy?

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    What the hell am I gonna grow in a 1'x25' area?! And a 6"x50' area?! You must have some really scrawny thin plants if they can fit into a 1' or 6" wide area. And what kind of rooms can you even find that are 1'x25'? You can't be serious... Come on man, stay with me now....
  15. Wheres my Chippy?

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    Okay, how come I'm legally allowed to brew as much beer/alcohol as I like on my property for personal use? How come I can grow as many tobacco plants as I want for personal use? Why are there no clauses in these bills about personal cultivation/brewing being restricted? Why is there a...
  16. Wheres my Chippy?

    Cheese Quake test Grow

    Do all the pheno's smell dank as hell? Which pheno would you recommend keeping? I'm gonna try to be looking for that grape cheese danish one!
  17. Wheres my Chippy?

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    Prop 8 was a civil rights issue, not a drug issue! Of course Prop 8 was going to get over turned, it completely violated homosexuals rights, and thats what the supreme court saw was happening, so they of course over turned it. You *can't* pass an amendment that strips minorities of their rights...
  18. Wheres my Chippy?

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    I am voting NO and I am in no way making any sort of profit from growing. Infact, I'm loosing money from growing with the electric bill and all the expenses that go into a good grow-op. I just grow for personal indoors(in a 5x5 area, mind you), and I still think this is a shitty bill! It's got...
  19. Wheres my Chippy?

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    I really hope that Oaksterdam does start up their 4-20,000 lbs/yr factory farms in oakland... then the DEA can swoop in and bust them all at the same time! And for anyone that doesn't think that this will be "toxic" weed, you should really do some research on Monsanto, and all the toxic shit...
  20. Wheres my Chippy?

    Cheese Quake test Grow

    Yeah when your that far into flower, I ususally just don't even worry about it anymore. I know that Cheese Quake is gonna dank regardless of the problems! I'm gonna be picking up a pack from sac on monday along with jillybean (one of my fav TGA strains). Also, I don't think 82-84 is that high...