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  1. B

    Leaves Burning Then Dying Part 2

    not the same problem and i'd kindly ask you to not hijack my post please, make your own.
  2. B

    Leaves Burning Then Dying Part 2

    the plant only looks better cause its 2 months older, it still looses 2-3 leaves everyday, and has done so since it was a month old. the only reason is stays alive is because the leaves grow a little bit faster than they die. i didn't burn it, it's continuously burning.
  3. B

    Leaves Burning Then Dying Part 2

    just bumping this to hopefully get some help
  4. B

    Leaves Burning Then Dying Part 2

    half strength generic hydro nutes every 2 weeks
  5. B

    Leaves Burning Then Dying Part 2

    I made this post a few months ago and I can't edit it anymore. I'm still having the same problem as before. Switched to bottled reverse osmosis filtered water that had a ph of 6.5 and the plant shows no sign of improvement over the past 2 months. New photos.
  6. B

    Leaves Burning Then Dying

    lights are only 23w each and they are 2 inches away. it started happening a month ago before I gave the plant any nutes at all. in total 8 leaves have died and fallen off, none of them have ever touched a bulb.
  7. B

    Leaves Burning Then Dying

    Grown under CFL's, half strength hydro nutes every 2 weeks, older leaves burning at the tip and then dying. Any suggestions why?