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  1. gaungwanna

    Has anyone else ever had 2ci pills or powder?

    ive got it in oshawa it was on a giant blotter paper it was like .5 inch by .5 inch and has a layer of crystaly stuff on it i just eat it and it tasted like shit but i was ripped it was a really good buzz. i thought it was wied for something like that to be on blotters (it did say nexus on 1...
  2. gaungwanna

    LSD + Salvia

    when i was younger i alwasy did as meny drugs as i could find doin coke and dilaudids and acid and smoked tonns of weed and K and beans but im on mehadone now and i feel i have a new start to life and life is good
  3. gaungwanna

    Mold growing on my Soil

    what if i spray it with lime juce or something, probly better with no suger thou
  4. gaungwanna

    LSD, Good idea?Bad idea?

    hey I feel ya on that. i only see it when i laydown to sleep or if i eat bannana sand it has to be dark. i see moons orbiting planets and Dr. seuss charicters walking around the moons . or the 40 licks (rolling stones)symbol turinig.i Sometinmes i see faces pop outta nowhere and thse are what...
  5. gaungwanna

    Mold growing on my Soil

    Im about 4 days into flower and i just noticed a gray mold growing on the soil , it hasent seames to effect that plant yet but i was wondering is it goin to will and will the mold grow on the bud when its growing. what should i do ,like its just a lil hobby grow so no biggy. ill post a pic soon
  6. gaungwanna

    LSD, Good idea?Bad idea?

    do it witha a painkiller and eat a bannana when you start trippin i find something in bannanas effect your trip and you dreams
  7. gaungwanna

    Chloraseptic spray and a blunt

    i always hers that you spray glass cleaner on you bud you can get really hi , but i never heard of mouthspray
  8. gaungwanna

    Poppy Seed Extraction

    im pretty sure the seed dont have morphine, thats why you can buy them, why dont you just grow them
  9. gaungwanna

    butane goo

    is butter hash then?
  10. gaungwanna

    LSD + Salvia

    eat a whole bunch at datrua on 4 hits of acid and hydromorph
  11. gaungwanna

    Bad soil

    How tight is you soil it its too compact. Will it not make a slower rate of growth?
  12. gaungwanna

    Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica)

    pizz those are an orchid called lady slippers. you live in ontario by any chace
  13. gaungwanna

    DMT extraction

    look up what an acid-base extracton is. hear cheak this too Erowid Phalaris Vault : Info #2
  14. gaungwanna

    butane goo

    its called butted its THC crystal(made with butane) and honey oil mixed tougether
  15. gaungwanna

    DIY: How to Hook Up PC Fans to a ATX Power Supply [Cheap and Easy]

    you can attach a computer fan to an old 6-18volt adapter , you can Etape the wires right to the plug on the adapter
  16. gaungwanna

    please!!! save my plants,(nutrient burn/light burn)

    mine where that big in a week after comeing up get your lights as close as you can
  17. gaungwanna

    anyone with chemistry backround? butane honey oil question

    try useing a tiny amount of preexisting oil or maybe grapeseed oil
  18. gaungwanna

    budget boxes

    Hears a cheap ass way to start growin you plants and it lookes really cool and Inconspiculous in the corner of my room.its really easy to adjust all the lights inside i can put the as close to the plant as i wasn and keep it there as it grows. It was also really fun to make all high to. It...
  19. gaungwanna

    open flame in grow chamber

    can i burn a candle in a grow chamber (scented). the idea of this is to light a candle under a mini fondu dish with water in it i wanna bring up my hunidity its at 40% and the plant is a week old my temp is 28'. also i thought this would add to the co2 content of the chamber , i will...