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  1. PrimitiveArtist

    Let's Grow Mushrooms - A Beginners Gigantic Bulk Attempt with PF Tek

    Drama on a forum site. Holy matrimony. Yellow kitty kat, great grow. Definitely using this!
  2. PrimitiveArtist

    brainfuck inducing books

    House of Leaves is amazing! Only revolutions is a very good book in my opinion as well. (by Mark Z.) The art of seeing by Aldous Huxley is one of my favorite of his works. Terence McKenna - 'Food of the Gods' is a good one! Illusions and delusions of the supernatural and the occult by D.H...
  3. PrimitiveArtist

    Sail, belly up to the clouds.

    No worries, I myself went off on a rant previously. The more conversation, the better! If only it was in person over a glass of tea or mug of coffee.. or even hot cocoa okay okay onward. Ranting again. I have indeed seen Zeitgeist. Great film in my opinion. "You do know the reward for living...
  4. PrimitiveArtist

    Sail, belly up to the clouds.

    Ah, a reply! Thank you for the warm welcome. You are correct, I am most definitely absorbing all sorts of new and interesting knowledge. I've been in a sort of soul slumber for the past few years so I'm just catching up... Indeed, that is true in my mind. "The minds of a few rule many." I'd...
  5. PrimitiveArtist

    Sail, belly up to the clouds.

    Why, hello. I've been a member of this site for a little while now but haven't made any posts yet. :idea: Let's change that! Allow me to introduce myself: Name's Brandon but I take on a plethora of other nicknames. From a small town in the south east part of North Carolina. One has a...
  6. PrimitiveArtist

    Let's Grow Mushrooms - A Beginners Gigantic Bulk Attempt with PF Tek

    Hi researchkitty. I have a question for you if you've the time to answer. All else are welcome to answer as well. I'm scratching the surface on cultivating psilocybin mushrooms and would like to start growing very soon.. There is a huge demand for psilocybin where I am. However I've come to...