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  1. TaraBowls

    help with ebb and flow system!!

    im using a mix of perlite and peat moss, but i just flooded and they started floating, so i need a new medium..any recommendations? i weighted it down so it wouldn't float. thanks for the help! =))
  2. TaraBowls

    help with ebb and flow system!!

    im putting in six plants tommorow morning so, i really need this answered tonight!!
  3. TaraBowls

    help with ebb and flow system!!

    i just setup an ebb and flow system, using a 60liter reservoir and 40liter grow tub. i wanted to know how the watering system works exactly. ive read up and down in the marijuana horticultural bible but it doesnt go to in depth. how long should i let the nutrient water sit in there for? how many...
  4. TaraBowls

    weed is my love

    weed is my love
  5. TaraBowls

    my plant is yellowing in the middle. what nutrient defiecency is it?

    not liquid. and fer sure thanks a bunch
  6. TaraBowls

    my plant is yellowing in the middle. what nutrient defiecency is it?

    it just says feed once when its a seedling and once before budding
  7. TaraBowls

    my plant is yellowing in the middle. what nutrient defiecency is it?

    p&k deficiency? yeah weve given it some food and the yellowing isnt getting worse and alot of the leaves are getting better, but im still being wary, how often should i feed them?
  8. TaraBowls

    my plant is yellowing in the middle. what nutrient defiecency is it?

    we dont have a phosphorus fert, we have a 6-9-9 fert though it has phosphate, nitrogen,potash. and i dont really know, i found it outside and it had already started flowering but weve had it for a month give or take alittle. the buds hair is now reddish orange and little leaves are growing from it.
  9. TaraBowls

    heylo, can you tell me how my plant are looking??

    im a second time grower but this is my largest crop, and i dont have alot of expierence with how to know when my yeild is done and if it i okay, so any input would be great:leaf::weed::?:
  10. TaraBowls

    my plant is yellowing in the middle. what nutrient defiecency is it?

    i know its a certain nutrient defincency, but i dont know which one it is and i dont want to over feed it.
  11. TaraBowls

    yellowing of leaves

    no there not done and id say about two weeks? they are mainly hair not leaves.. how do they look
  12. TaraBowls

    yellowing of leaves
  13. TaraBowls

    yellowing of leaves

    not my name bros
  14. TaraBowls

    yellowing of leaves

    what do u think
  15. TaraBowls

    yellowing of leaves

    id say two weeks
  16. TaraBowls

    yellowing of leaves

    just copy and paste the url onto your wed address bar and it should come up
  17. TaraBowls

    yellowing of leaves

    well both plants are yellowing but one is going from the bottom up and the other is coming in randomly in the middle of the plant im really concerened since my yeild is coming in soon and we cant afford for her to die! any help would be nice
  18. TaraBowls

    what is a good website to buy some hps lights

    what kind of lighting system would you recommend for a grow closet? i also want no more then like 8 plants so what would be a good setup?
  19. TaraBowls

    what is a good website to buy some hps lights

    well i only have 300 dollars plus i cant afford the electricity bill for a 1000 watt. with a 600 watt how many plants can i grow ive got two females two clones and two seedlings but im thinking of expanding alittle bit more.