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  1. D

    Starting a grow thats never gonna stop

    We just harvested this too. Will keep you all posted on how it rates.
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    Starting a grow thats never gonna stop

    These pics are older.
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    Seedlings dying or living??? need quick observation!!

    They look like they're just starting, I've had seedlings look droopy for a few days after dropping there shell. Give it a few more days, keep the rockwool cubes moist with Ph balanced water. I don't know how you start but SuperThrive has always done my seedling/clones good.
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    Need a Caregiver..

    You do not have to live with your CG. The CG is only responsible for growing your medicine not cleaning your house.
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    Marijuana Plant Stresses

    The dark cycle is important for plants as they mature, it is the only time certain chemicals are active in the plants. I just learned that in BIO... College has it's perks