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  1. JohnBudZ

    40$$ Carbon Air Scrubber Without Any Cutting, Pipe Fitting, or Work! Stoner Friendly

    I guess you could not saying it will work haha. How would you get carbon on the front of a regular fan if i may ask?
  2. JohnBudZ

    40$$ Carbon Air Scrubber Without Any Cutting, Pipe Fitting, or Work! Stoner Friendly

    Especially if the grower knows what hes going haha do you have a grow journal? Some pics?
  3. JohnBudZ

    40$$ Carbon Air Scrubber Without Any Cutting, Pipe Fitting, or Work! Stoner Friendly

    np dude haha glad it worked well for you aswell
  4. JohnBudZ

    Does Anyone See Any Problems with this Super Silver Haze Seedling?

    looks like its getting enough light, maybe slightly less watering, check your ph everytime you water and you should be good loo0king nice, first grow?
  5. JohnBudZ

    Sick Plant

    nvm didnt see last post seems you already figured it out lol...
  6. JohnBudZ

    Sick Plant

    nuteburn, prob caused from a ph problem you locked out nutes then overfed because they looked hungry they couldnt absord nutes because wrong PH did you use dolomite lime in your soil mix?
  7. JohnBudZ

    40$$ Carbon Air Scrubber Without Any Cutting, Pipe Fitting, or Work! Stoner Friendly

    Right dude? this things is awesome ive actually got the exhaust aim towards my plants so while scrubbing the air free of smell it is strengthening my plant! and circulating air
  8. JohnBudZ

    40$$ Carbon Air Scrubber Without Any Cutting, Pipe Fitting, or Work! Stoner Friendly

    I leave the ionizer on! its supposed to attract the positive atoms in the air increasing airflow essentially and then the static in the stick to the negatively charged filter its really genious and helps keep it on, it was a killer idea right? i was so gassed as i was looking for a way to get a...
  9. JohnBudZ

    40$$ Carbon Air Scrubber Without Any Cutting, Pipe Fitting, or Work! Stoner Friendly

    Also another thought crush the activated carbon (dont inhale wear mask) and make more surface area of carbon available to scrub the air!
  10. JohnBudZ

    Is it Hermaphrodite????? pls help!!!

    It it was a feminized seed from what i hear you can self pollinate the plant with its self and get all Feminized seeds but i have never seen it done so who knows
  11. JohnBudZ

    Help! Whats Wrong With My Plants?

    Not at all i always ad one part dolomite lime to 5 parts FFOF
  12. JohnBudZ

    Is This Ready for Harvest? Pic! Day 65

    This is so funny haha just read dude thats all you need to dude obviously you had no clue what you were doing...
  13. JohnBudZ

    Help! Whats Wrong With My Plants?

    Yea phox farm tends to be slightly acidic i have used it with no problems but then again i have always tested my PH if you make the mistake of not always testing with FFOF you will run into this problem, easily fixed by mixing 5 cups FFOF with 1 cup dolomite lime, 1 cup perlite (perlite is...
  14. JohnBudZ

    Help! Whats Wrong With My Plants?

    Heres the love someone just had a nice toke lol. Nah man im confident you can get some nice buds if you just show your plants a little TLC and try to learn from your first few grows. My first few grows were total failures now ive had so many succesful ones in a row. just gotta learn from your...
  15. JohnBudZ

    Help! Whats Wrong With My Plants?

    Those nutes look good but its more for advanced users (no offense i probably couldnt use em correctly) an all in one with trace minerals is really gonna be your best bet but give those a shot im sure they are really better if you learn how to use them right for MJ as the directions are for other...
  16. JohnBudZ

    Help! Whats Wrong With My Plants?

    Hokie bud if you want add me as a friend and message me and let me know how everythings turning out and if you need more help ill be glad
  17. JohnBudZ

    Help! Whats Wrong With My Plants?

    Are you reffering to me not knowing whats going on? And"Not gussing the problem right"? lol
  18. JohnBudZ


    lol /|\ sry seems like your already doing what i just suggested your on the right track
  19. JohnBudZ


    Your ph is way to low (acidic) check run off imediately flush or your plants will die before the weekend.
  20. JohnBudZ

    Help! Whats Wrong With My Plants?

    I agree were just both trying to help him no problems man just was explaining where i was coming from, you had a good observation on the cal mg deficiency.