when i use to mess with xanax i use hide n lose shit all the time then id just get high again and start looking, one time i coulnt figure out hot to take the ignition system out on my car i got high and thought of things i could do and it worked
so i got 2 of these dilaudid (hydromorphone) and i havent taken them as i hear they are strong-er than oxys.
im wondering if any of you guys have any experience with these they look like these
what is the best roa beside iv'ing
as this is my first time using these and my tolerance has been low...
yeah thats what i though too
if your taking it for a legit reason the taste or flavor shouldnt matter but if your an abuser
you would care that their taking it off the market
so theyre pulling actavis off the market
do you think theyll sell the patent to their recipe and another pharmaco will buy it and make it under a different name ?