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  1. A

    It's A Fuct World

    Id just like to say thanks for taking your time and posting all this mr fuct, ive spent all day reading your 197 page long SOG post and now this much shorter one. The info that ive got out of it has been amazing, a real help with understanding some concepts. I also probably smoke some of your...
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    First time grow - aus style!

    Well i have some good news and some bad news good news is that the plants are doing great! Some are up to their 3rd set of leaves and growing strong the bad news is that i can no longer look after the plants. Family situations and other stuff that i wont talk about here. Im thinking of either...
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    First time grow - aus style!

    They seem to really like the added light! One of the shorter seedlings has doubled in height since last post! Its also alot warmer in the box how, humidity also seems rather high. Soon ill be moving the taller plants out of the small box and into a taller box to start getting some height into...
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    First time grow - aus style!

    Yeah theres two lights in there now, it should do for a week or two until i get paid and i can actually afford to put petrol in my car! Ill buy a short 2 tube fluro light to start with and just a small fan from $2 shop. I really have to do all of this on budget at the moment, family issues and...
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    First time grow - aus style!

    Added another light to the box today, it brought the temp up another 3-4 degrees just the short time i had it running (no plants in the box, took them out for construction and put in dark place). The plants go back into the box and turning both lights on in an hour, so see what the temp rises...
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    First time grow - aus style!

    The only reason at the moment its 20-4 is due to my job, i get back at 5 in the arvo, turn the light off then back on at 9 when i go to bed. I need to get myself a timer for the box. Im thinking of sticking another light into there, its doable for sure, possibly stick a book or something under...
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    First time grow - aus style!

    Haha, its your very thread thats inspired me to do it! I was going to wait until i finished uni and moved out of home and do a small inside grow, but figured that i could just do a few outdoor plants to have a go. They look like some nice plants you've got there, hows the knee by the way? The...
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    First time grow - aus style!

    Hey there, Im a 19 yr old soon-to-be uni student and this is going to be my first time grow after lots of reading and research on my part. Im on the east coast of Australia and plan to put my little babies into the ground in a week or two, depending on their size The seeds are of an unknown...