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    How To Spot A Conservative?

    Hard core "conservative" is my name. I do not have the same beLIEfs that my fathers may have had. My fathers were "hard core conservatives." We are the new generation of CONSERVATIVES. Abortion; No: Guns; Yes: Weed; yes: other types of mind altering drugs; Not at this time. We believe in...
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    dwc water evaporting

    Oh ya to end my story.... My friend said, "thats why they call it Deep Water Culture."
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    dwc water evaporting

    Sorry, yes daily.. very important.
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    dwc water evaporting

    A friend of mine asked me where my water level was on my net pot when I told him the same story that you have shared. To end your tale bring the water level all of the way to the top of the net pots. :)
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    question on dwc spacing.

    If you are growing large plants try to reinforce the top of your tote as it can collapse from more than one Large plant and can pull the net pots holding the plants through the top of the tote. I had great luck my first grow in this manner but had twice as much headroom as you do. LED's/CFL's?
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    question on dwc spacing.

    Sorry, the more I thought about it LST is good but start early. Also consider sativa/indica. Both can be utilized by extending veg for indica.
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    question on dwc spacing.

    LST is probibly not the way to go. In that small of space I would go SCOG. Any other ideas??
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    poor beans great service

    Dude, Attitude is not the problem. Anyway why are you germinating those seeds?? Man don't let Attitude hear your trying to grow thier shit, they will quit selling to you as soon as they identify your email......
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    Can police or DEA watch over you interenet activity

    Snake with the great tits.... Don't sweat it. The only reason you should be concerned is if you sell seeds, ..... I do and if the feds knock on my door Oboma must have failed us. Mellow,,, just don't tell anyone,,,,ANYONE, I'm sorry anyone. The only reason in this day of age not to tell...
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    Starting from seed?

    I agree rockwool is not the best thing to germinate in. I have been hydro for a while. First Hempy pots then DWC then soil/perlite,gravel layer to DWC, soil, and hydro. The soil is the only one that is really giving me problem at this point. Hay snake nice tits... Dealing with some really...
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    I am interested in the evolution of current cannabis laws.

    I am interested in the evolution of current cannabis laws.
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    Changing from Hydro to Dirt (for mothers only)

    Thanks again, I'll post how they (recover :) ) peace.
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    Changing from Hydro to Dirt (for mothers only)

    One other question. Is PH as big as consideration with soil as hydro? If so any suggestions? Thanks again
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    Changing from Hydro to Dirt (for mothers only)

    I will try some worm tea and super thrive. Thanks!!:clap:
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    Changing from Hydro to Dirt (for mothers only)

    I have decided to change my mothers to dirt after first and second generation hydro clones. I am getting some immeadiate curling and lightening of color. Any suggestions. No nutes at this point.:wall:
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    The Real Reason Marijuana Is Illegal

    You know, I see what your sayin'. What a trip, I don't know why it was as evedent as it is now,,before. I think another reason that our society wants to keep it illeagle is that dogs can smell it better (many regions that grow cannabis also grow other organic medications) I mean have you ever...
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    Super Green single leaf???

    Old is just a word to make me feel old. Damm I mean old,, anyway this is an old thread. I have a F1 blue hash X White Rhino that is at one leaf 8 or 9th node.... Very healthy other than the leaf mutation. Anyone else deal with this, any pos + outcome (thc etc).