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  1. S

    What's the best way to transport a chopped plant??

    backpack or some sort of carrier bag
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Ah yes i've been checking, the white things in the pic are just bits of foliage from other plants or possibly a case off a dead aphid. i'll be checking nonetheless. also thanks to fdd2blk!
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    I'm back and it's been a while. How do they look now folks?
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    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    haha they look awesome
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    Uk - outdoor growing thread

    it's my first time growing here ye. and yeah it takes a LONG time, like everything lol. i'm just worried about the horribleness of the weather in october (mould .etc) will have to keep a keen eye on them.
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    1-2 wks. left-- Heavy rains coming all next week!

    it just started pissing down here, had to wander out in rain, pitch darkness and move it under a bit of shelter. good lord!
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    Budworm questions

    yeah daddy longlegs, not the guys with wings tho (cranefly) crablike ones? could be troublemakers.
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Your opinion seems golden, give me an estimate witchdoctor! Some folks already said 4-5 weeks. the more input the better!
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    Uk - outdoor growing thread

    hah good to see another IE grower, your plants look like mine in term of flowering (the most advanced one you have), i'm keeping mine going for another 4 weeks yet. the other ones you posted look like they're just begining to flower, maybe leave them a week or two longer?
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    Update!! How much longer mannnnn

    Yeah they wont be done fully for another 6 weeks (roughly)
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    Budworm questions

    Don't harvestmen (Opiliones) eat budworms and other small bugs? i have one or two of those guys living on my plant, seem to be doing a good job for me :-P Maybe try and find some of those guys on plants in the garden and drop them onto your plant.
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    Spider Mite Home-Made Fumigation Technique

    yeah smoking them out like that would work but the only question is would the tobacco smoke leave a nasty residue on the flower
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    Marijuana or wat?

    hahaha WHAT!
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    how do they look?

    Don't know alot about indoor growing but they look healthy so far.
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    Flowering outdoors for 5 weeks, how do they look?

    Thanks for the reply mate. Heres some extra pics to gander at, they're a little bit better quality.
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    Flowering outdoors for 5 weeks, how do they look?

    First timer here, outdoors plant, been flowering for 5 weeks so far. Looking for some opinions and possibly a rough estimate of how long i should leave them go for. I'm watching the pestil colours and they dont show any sign of ambering so i obviously know not to do anything to them, i'm just...
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    Leaf burn problem

    Can i just flush the plant and expect this problem to go away? i am unsure about reverting this problem back to normal.
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    Leaf burn problem

    I just tested the pH, it is roughly 6.0 ((i could not get a digi tester, using a manual kit) and i don't trust this kit, piece of shit))
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    Leaf burn problem

    Been feeding it Levington Tomorite every 7-12 days (UK levels - N4.0 P4.5 K8.0) has some seaweed extract in it also edit: i forgot to mention i give it a small amount of bottled water every 3-5 days
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    Leaf burn problem

    Total newbie behavior on me part i know. I'll grab a monitor tomorrow and post the numbers, should be interesting. PH lockout is not fatal i presume? Thank you for the info!