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  1. imatigr

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    Holy crap it's been too long since I updated this. I'm sorry to those that had been following. I've been non stop busy with school projects. This is week 6 since switching over to 12/12. One plant is amazing. I've had hardly any problems with and and the buds are starting to look crazy good on...
  2. imatigr

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    I'm using the fox farm trio. After doing some reading in the plant problems section I think it might be a Mg deficiency. I'm going to try and pick up some calmag tomorrow.
  3. imatigr

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    Yeah I wish the reflector would spread more light out, it was the only one in my price range that would fit easily. Live and learn I guess. I do notice some slight smell coming out though, so I really need to seal up the reflector which I plan on doing when I put the hps bulb in. Think I might...
  4. imatigr

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    Ok the scrog screen has been in for about 4 days now. I think I put it too close to the pots, but it'll do for now. The reflector doesn't reflect all the way to the edges of the box right now since it is pretty close to the screen so I've been adding some cfl's to help. I've also been very...
  5. imatigr

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    I've finally got the male out of the box and the scrog screen in. They seem to be filling it up pretty quickly at the rate i've been going, i'll prolly be switching to flowering in a week or so. Sorry for no pics on this update, i don't have my camera on me at the time being. I will try getting...
  6. imatigr

    What's the final word on shipping

    i've ordered from them multiple times and every time it was in a discreet brown box. As for the return address, I can't remember exactly what it said, but your best bet would be to contact them and see what they can do for you
  7. imatigr

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    The ceramic metal halide is great this far. But i did have to get a socket extender for it so it would be better centered in the reflector. Without it most of the light was concentrated on one side of the box. 2 of the larger plants have shown signs of sex already. I didnt really expect that...
  8. imatigr

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    The plants got their first round of nutrients today. The ceramic metal halide is great and he plants seem to really like it. I did take some cuttings that are trying to root right now so I can sex the plants. One of them seem to already being showing signs of female. I tried taking a picture but...
  9. imatigr

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    Hey sorry, I got really busy with some stuff and my internet went out for a bit. The grow is going well though. I have transplanted the plants to their bigger pots and my ceramic metal halide bulb came in today. I'm still unsure if i am going to use it for flowering also or not. If not I'm going...
  10. imatigr

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    the small enclosure around it was exactly what i was thinking. but since i am doing a scrog grow i may just build an extra shelf right underneath the exhaust fan to build an enclosure inside the grow box to house all of the electronics up there and use the 6 inch axial fan i have to cool that...
  11. imatigr

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    Just wanted to give a quick update. I really wasn't happy with the increase of temperatures i was getting inside the armoire considering i had less than a 5 degree difference in my small box with the same setup minus the air cooled reflector. After comparing the two grow i realized the main...
  12. imatigr

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    Time for an update. I think I got the temperatures under control now. The armoire was getting 10 degrees hotter than the room it was in. I tried running it without the carbon filter attached and a fan on the intake and it didn't help. I then got a crazy idea to remove these two cover things in...
  13. imatigr

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    I didn't think about removing the carbon filter for a while. That's a good idea, I'll have to try that. The main reason i was thinking about doing it's own air circuit on the reflector was because I plan on this being my permanent for a long while and I already have that 6 inch axial fan. I'm...
  14. imatigr

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    I'm actually running it right now. And with the temperature outside the box at 72 and the thermometer directly in the light it's at 82. But that's with only the exhaust fan on and no other fans circulating air in the box. Last time the temps dropped dramatically after turning the fans on and...
  15. imatigr

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    Thanks Unclejerk. Just an update for today. Two of the seeds are really taking off, while one is slower, and the fourth may have died. Somehow the root or stem was exposed and that one starter plug dried out faster than the rest. I moved the 2 larger ones to red cups because they already had...
  16. imatigr

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    This is my second grow attempt. My first was in a 2'x2'x4'(wxdxh) box with a 250 watt Hps and 3 bagseed plants that started off being lst'd then let go. I ended up with about 1.5 ounces dry of acceptable bud, while the rest went to butter. The buds weren't very dense, they were very fluffy. I...
  17. imatigr

    Need help and input on my first cabinet grow!!!

    You could use a 250 or 150 watt hps in that cab. I used a 250 watt hps in my cab that only had dimensions of: H=4ft W=2ft D=2ft. Look up sr. verde's grow. The link for his current one is . Check out some of his...
  18. imatigr

    Best Air Cooled Hood for grow cabinet

    I was planning to use the fan as an exhaust to pull air through my carbon filter then my hood until i get the money to put it on its on fan. Thanks for link the link. Definitely a lot of good info. That's the exact hood I was looking at. I don't ever plan on going bigger than a 400 in this...
  19. imatigr

    Best Air Cooled Hood for grow cabinet

    I am getting ready to start my second grow and want to get a better reflector. I just upgraded my grow box from a 2'x2'x4' box to a 28"x21"x59" computer armoire. I have a 4 inch value line inline fan rated for 171cfm with a 4"x12" phat filter. So I've been looking at this reflector. Is this...
  20. imatigr

    First Grow with 250 watt Hps

    Ok so i finally harvested saturday 11/26/11. They were in flower for a little over 12 weeks. One plant looked really good and one was just starting to take off, and i don't know why it took so long. i think it had some nutrient problems. The other was in the middle. I had to cut them all down...