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  1. FLyboy99

    About 4 weeks into Flower in South/Central FL. How much longer??? :/

    Here's another update from my girl today. She's looking more and more juicy everyday! Can't wait till harvest! Had to cut 2 buds thanks to mold left from last weeks rain :( ill post more pics when im home. My phone only works so well on the site. Also found a ladybug wandering through the top...
  2. FLyboy99


    Wheres my Spitta fans at?! Damn. Best music to vibe to when youre fadded! #VerdeTerrace
  3. FLyboy99

    About 4 weeks into Flower in South/Central FL. How much longer??? :/

    Thanks man. Its hard to find quality help out here in FL. We're few and far between if you count out all the shitty low-grade that comes outa here from the carribean :(
  4. FLyboy99

    About 4 weeks into Flower in South/Central FL. How much longer??? :/

    Thanks. It kinda topped itself. Its been outside since a seedling. It grew one big cola last year but nothing else so i just left it outside in the corner of my property. Came back around June and there were those 2 huge tops growing. Since then its got 2 more nice sized tops growing out the...
  5. FLyboy99

    About 4 weeks into Flower in South/Central FL. How much longer??? :/

    So the is my baby. Shes in a 30gal pot nd gets feedings of FF Big Bloom once or twice weekly and started her on the Tiger Bloom about 2 weeks ago. I guess any comment or anything would be cool. im pretty confident ill be able to tell but was just wondering how long everyone thought till id be...
  6. FLyboy99

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    What do ya think? She's outside in south/central fl. Started flowering a little over a month ago. Im using fox farm big bloom and tiger bloom.
  7. FLyboy99

    Florida Growers Thread

    Another update from my outdoor baby! Moved her Into a big 30 gal pot and she's really starting to fill out nice. Any comments? :P mabey help on how much longer till I should harvest?
  8. FLyboy99

    Will Florida Pass at Least Medical Marijuana Laws in 2012?

    It saddens me this state wont get their shit together... I mean come on! we're PRIME real-estate for this industry! half the Orange Feilds in FL are dead and sitting around doing nothing anyways! I was born and raised in FL and it sucks that because I have a passion to grow I have to leave my...
  9. FLyboy99

    Did my plant go hermie or somethin? HELP!

    Just figured i'd give everyone a lil update... Found this huge-ass pot on the side of the road the other day and moved my biggest girl into it. She was looking a little sickly and i quickly saw why when i took her outa her pot. Roots everywhere and nowhere else for them to go! Plus a little mold...
  10. FLyboy99

    Did my plant go hermie or somethin? HELP!

    Sweet. Thanks alot guys! So would you say I would be ok to try to supercrop the smaller one?
  11. FLyboy99

    Did my plant go hermie or somethin? HELP!

    Ok so I have 2 girls that look like this at the tops... I was growing indoors for about 8 weeks. Got evicted from my place :( and moved them outside. One I planted in ground and the other (this one) is in a.pot still. Well I put them on 12/12 to sex them for a week and then moved them outside...
  12. FLyboy99

    First grow. in/outdoor. help appreciated!!!

    Can someone tell me if I have anything to worry about with the rounded-ish leaves on the top? :/
  13. FLyboy99

    First grow. in/outdoor. help appreciated!!!

    I just took this one...
  14. FLyboy99

    First grow. in/outdoor. help appreciated!!!

    Yeah im just leaving her out there all day so however much light she gets, she it a bad thing though...?
  15. FLyboy99

    First grow. in/outdoor. help appreciated!!!

    Thanks. Yeah she's deff. A girl. I was considering taking some clones... I have 2 decent sized branches coming off the bottom that would do well. Especially since I still have plenty of time here in fl. How exactly would I go about cloning them?
  16. FLyboy99

    First grow. in/outdoor. help appreciated!!!

    Whats up everyone. finally got some pics of 2 or 4 of my girls. More to come soon. Anyways. The shorter darker one is bag seed.used miracle grow organic potting soil mixed with some MG blood and bone meal and pearlite. Started from germination and kept under 24hr light untill week 3. Started...
  17. FLyboy99

    Florida Growers Thread

    Whats up everyone. First time posting finally! heres my 2 girls i have outside right now. Both grown from seed. The bigger was grown full sun and started getting light feedings of FF Big Bloom 4 weeks ago. The smaller, darker was grown indoors under CFLs, sexed it and brought it outside. I think...
  18. FLyboy99

    New! Florida Marijuana info/pics and MJ Growing

    Anybody Still growing in-ground, outdoor in Central FL/ Tampa area still? I just started about 2-3 weeks ago... First time grower too. Anybody have any tips/ tricks for growing around this area?