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  1. M

    Removing Leaves At The End Of Flower?

    Hello, my babys are about 6 feet tall and at the last week or two of floweringand wondering if there is any negative effects from me going and cutting the majority of old leafs off, (ones that are yellow dead or just dont seme very productive) i
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    Indoor weed odor

    I live in cali and have had my card since 17, =P and got that part covered but !!dry periods!!!are bad!!
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    Indoor weed odor

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    Indoor weed odor

    hmm i dont see medical relief as just backpain and physical pain. I wake up at 4:00-4:30 7 days a week and find my medical relief in smoking a few bowls right when i wake up, so i will wake up! i cant be the only one that smokes in the morning to start the day fully awake?I also find if i smoke...
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    Indoor weed odor

    hmmmm.. possibly i cant even buy weed from the clinic anymore. I'll smoke a gram in 10 minuts, sit there feel like im smoking just for the waste of time and tast and not for that body buzz/head high. Dont get me wrong the taste/looks are good but iv had small amounts of weed that would smell up...
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    Indoor weed odor

    Iv noticed alot that indoor weed dosnt have that strong smell as i havent seen in a long time. What has happend to the street weed (idk how it would be grown) that would smell up a whole building? all this clinic weed has a nice smell if you shuv it up your nose and break it...
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    Lol duel light for flowering! Random question, any guess?

    Hello, im trying out using hps/mh for flowering to see how it turns out for fun. (there at about 4-6 weeks into flowering) Im using 2 600watt hps, and 1 100watt mh. well here is the thing. I got to Mh bulbs that i dont know the models. One is a very large sylvania? Mh bulb that lights up...
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    MegaFarm Drip System big plant?

    Hello, i have a 8x4 grow tent with 2100 watts hps/hH with some side cfl lighting im looking to just grow one or 2 very large plants i came across this,. good ideal or bad?
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    DWC/Drip system growwing too fast?

    well yeah, but your plant seems sorta..alot...unhealthy
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    (Help)? what to do when growing big indoor plants...

    When growing a large indoor plant is it better to over time transplant into multible step up size pots until i get to say a (10g?) or should i just put them straight intot he 10gal and let them grow?:
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    How to cfl?

    haha so iv read alot about cfl's and such im trying to get some for side lighting/extra bud lighting but i dont know what you guys use to operate them, like do you rewire them your self to make a custom thing? How do you set up cfl lights to operate and use next to your plant?
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    Better light coverage?

    Im currently using 2200watts two 600watts and 1000watt, im curious woul dit be better to arrange my lights for more coverage all around on a few plants and make them large/bud all around or is it better to just have them all right above for good tops?
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    Venting grow room

    possible to vent the hoods with out the glass cover?
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    Venting grow room

    WEell i have a 8inch vortex powerfan, the 2 600 watters are in hoods that have the side whoels to put ventalation to but no glass screen on them. The 1000watter would be in a lumewing hood
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    How many nodes befor making a clone?

    hello< i picked up a local plant and have ben vegging it i have never made clones befor i have trimmed this plant so its nice and bushy and i wish to clone it> I had read once your supposed to cut after a certain anount of nodes have ben created on a branch? if so how many befor making the cut
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    Venting grow room

    shift button fixed!ZOH I SHOULDNT HAVE MADE THE !
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    Venting grow room

    Hellow i have a 8x8x4 grow tent i currently just have one fan in it and th door open to blow air out and this worked fine for this round (HARVEST DONE) I HAVE THE DUEL SIX HUNDRED WATT BALLAST SO (TWO SIX HUNDRED LIGHTS IN IT) BUT THIS TIME IM PLANING ON PUTTING A EXTRA THOUSAND WATT LIGHT AND...
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    4 weeks flowering!!!

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    Need grow room help? More lights the better? 2200?

    but im thinking if i just use all the lights in one i'll have a much much better product with bigger harder buds?