Hey all, I put out some babies last year that got devoured over the course of 2 or 3 days. They weren't slugs, and I'm thinking they were probably hoppers of sorts. Anyway, wondering what y'all recommend if a person doesn't want to tend to them too often
i want to use some garden soil that ive been composting all winter outdoor in my soil mix to prep my starts. i think that i know the soil (tho it appears clean) has some kind of buggies in there that will come out if i bring it indoor. That said, am i over worrying? or should i treat my soil...
im looking at something like this to control my heat mats: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Digital-Gardening-Thermostat-Heat-Mats-Soil-Temp-Digital-Temperature-Control-/270907532649?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f1358e569
the mats currently have adjustable dials which are fubar and erratic with their...
On the BIO-NRG growth-C and bloom-C do you use them with the Hydro Nutrition A & B???? because im already using the bloom and growth stimulator with the A & B Nutrition......... but im starting to think that this is a seperate line, and not an additive/bud booster? help me out here guys. their...
hey all, having trouble figuring out whats going on here. buddy has had many probs this run but there are a few showing extreme purpling as seen. My friend did put some humboldt white widow michorizzae in the botom of the buckets which had some residual white powder...... could this be it?
hey all, my friend has 14 in flower, and pretty sure the neighbors have heard something by now. They are 2 weeks in and pretty bushy. Anyway, in WA state, they can come in and take whatever they want apparently, and also arrest him, even with proper documentation. He talked to his lawyer today...
hey all, ive had 2 hydrofarm fan speed controllers now burn out on me. they work for about a day regulating the fan speed. then the next day i go in, the fan only runs on full blast and the controller "off" function wont work. its like the controller circuitry permanently defaulted to full on...
Pretty sure its my underdeveloped, commitment-a-phobe, posessive, views toward relationships! Im damaged, ill admit it. IF only. There were an easy way to meet femme gardeners from my area more easily
Im not tryin to get married! Im starting to think everyone here is a peace loving hippie. Lol jk, thanks for the talk tho all. Much appreciate your time
withholding certain tidbits that were obviously withheld, also she didnt once suggest that she might even want to try to come back early to spend newyears with me?? Seems weird to me, I definitely thought it would be nice to have her at midnight, but she should think that too, right?! she's also...
When you say make your feelings known, u just mean care about her right?
And to answer your question; I mentioned we share the hobby, I've never found a girl like that mane!
just for some bkg, Im 28, im kinda relationship challenged, always pretty much been a 1 hitter quitter.
so, ive been hanging with this girl for a month or 2 now, shes chill, shares the hobby etc.
I have trust issues especially when my significant other is drinking without me (conditioned...