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  1. Tahmi.Guhnn

    Cloning Help...need immediate feedback if possible

    roots in 4 to 5 days isn't impossible in fact with the right techniques it can be almost a garuntee. BUT using rapid rooters or some sort of cube type rooting medium this is nearly impossible. the range for rooting clones this way is more like 10 day minimum. but if your intrestes in having...
  2. Tahmi.Guhnn

    how to tie down a plant?

    here is a very simple technique that i use. it takes a wooden clipboard ~$1.00 bundle of string ~$2.00 and a staple gun $5 - 10. just make sure you bend the branches gradually as in doing it in stages till the branch is as low as you want it.
  3. Tahmi.Guhnn

    does water need to be ph'd for azamax application??

    i recently had a mite infestation. i used azamax with un ph'd tap water. i also sprayed it during the day and i drenched the plants. 5 days in a row with about 14ml for a half gallon. didn't affect the plants at all. but the mites were GONE! just my experience but do what ya do...
  4. Tahmi.Guhnn

    Cutting Fan Leaves? A Mythbuster style experiment...

    some trimming isn't a bad thing but if you cut "ALL" of your fan leaves then your plant is going to have alot harder of a time converting the sunlight to energy. Remember everyone those fan leaves are effectivly the plants solar panels. trimming some isn't necisarily a bad thing but taking them...
  5. Tahmi.Guhnn

    help! soil drying out too quickly

    the easiest way to know when to water is by the wieght of the cup. next time you water let it drain for 5 or 10 minutes and pick the cup up. this is what it feels like when its been saturated with water. when the cup feels a "SIGNIFICANTLY" lighter i would water. the top 2 inches of soil should...
  6. Tahmi.Guhnn

    Doing Things Right, Getting Low Yields?

    Let me take a wild guess. Your growing some sort of bag seed. I started growing bag seed and off of plants 4 foot tall I wouldn't get a QP and that was the best of the plants. I grew and F2 seed from a batch of white skunk a friend grew off of an F1 seed. and with a 2 foot plant i got nearly a...
  7. Tahmi.Guhnn

    Sativa buds' late secondary growth spurt?

    I was under the impression that plants do go through a second growth spurt towards the end of flowering where the put on a buch of mass and density. Which I though was the reason for products from companies that boosted the P & K late in flowering. I know House and garden has a product called...
  8. Tahmi.Guhnn

    Rodelization method question

    From my understanding you have to spray the pollenated plant with some type of acidic foliar spray to make feminized seeds.. but dont quote me on this because I've had no experience in this area..
  9. Tahmi.Guhnn

    beneficial stressing techniques

    I'm under the inpression that the stress added due to an extended dark period (24hr - 36hr) causes plants to increase the oil secretion..
  10. Tahmi.Guhnn

    Am I in trouble? Cloning issues...

    I only slit them because I had seen somewhere that it was suppose to increase the rooting area of the cutting. and I'm using a power closer typer method pics taken 1 day or 2 after i took the clones the first sign of the problems my M.I.L.Fs (Mothers I'd Like To...
  11. Tahmi.Guhnn

    Am I in trouble? Cloning issues...

    would the mother not have been showing signs?
  12. Tahmi.Guhnn

    Am I in trouble? Cloning issues...

    it was 700 with nuits. i'm now using less than 4 ppm base water and and the ppm is usually between 300 - 400 now
  13. Tahmi.Guhnn

    Call me crazy, my plants talking to me

    It shouldn't happen during veg no. By rotating do you mean growing towards the light? If you don't have sufficient lighting the lower branches will die off due to them not recording enough light. If you do have sufficient lighting then it's a nuit problem
  14. Tahmi.Guhnn

    Call me crazy, my plants talking to me

    After searching or "TRYING" to search RIU for how plants tell us they are hungry, thirsty, need some sun, cant breathe properly, etc. I was searching for this because unlike the feeding schedules and paradigms about when you should provide the plant a certain procedure, such as flowering...
  15. Tahmi.Guhnn

    Am I in trouble? Cloning issues...

    seriously no one with experience has anything to say? plz help
  16. Tahmi.Guhnn

    "How plants communicate"

    This information is fucking amazing. pardon my french but it's givin me a mind orgasim, no joke i think my brain is tingling. i've downloaded all the vids and books that were mentiond but anywho i had a question. where do you guys look to to find information like this?
  17. Tahmi.Guhnn

    Am I in trouble? Cloning issues...

    I just started to do some cloning about 4 days ago. I am seeing bumps on the stalks BUT my leaves are starting to look funky; some old growth and some new growth. I was told the old growth wasn't an issue but I'm worried that it is an issue because of the new growth exhibiting the same symptoms...
  18. Tahmi.Guhnn


    general hydroponics makes a vegatible based insectiside, miteacide, nemacide, in one. it took me 5 days of spraying them daily and i got rid of all of the mites. but the best option would be to get something like ladybugs to eat them
  19. Tahmi.Guhnn

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    some of my leaves are curling up. is this normal? ps sorry its sideways
  20. Tahmi.Guhnn

    Leaf curling while cloning.

    Bump bump anyone???